Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [conj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It could go wrong simply if asset prices began to fall or if cash flows ebbed .
2 To infer that because Wolof children were not familiar with western school practices they were therefore unable to distinguish between their thought and its object unjustifiably inflates the significance of the western school and its practices .
3 Castration was what I would have recommended back in England , where there is less space for dogs to wander and where welfare considerations for a dog out on his own are obviously of prime concern .
4 It would be reasonable to suggest that while word stress was independent of intonation , the placement of tonic stress was a function ( the accentual function ) of intonation .
5 One thing I 've learnt in the last half hour is the speed at which the rules of debate seem to be changing and it will not surprise you to hear that as Mr Allenby and Harrogate District Council have moved towards Professor Lock 's point of view , they have moved away from the Civic Society 's point of view .
6 However , the tendency has been to assume that if behaviourist notions can not account for all aspects of language learning it can not account for any .
7 If a much more severe monetary policy had been followed there is every reason to believe that while price rises would have been curtailed , unemployment would have risen even more sharply , thus confirming Keynesian analysis of a lack of aggregate demand rather than the monetarist concept of a natural rate of unemployment .
8 With Mr Braybrooke 's astonished help , she 'd managed to ascertain that as Isabelle Riquard 's only child , Sabine was legal heir to Les Hiboux .
9 This is within , as members will be aware , the overall financial position that the County Council finds itself in , of having to get its expenditure within the cap , and the fact that the increase in cap for the authority as a whole , does not in any way , mirror the increase in standard spending assessment for Social Services Committee , where we have been fortunate in terms the increase for this county , erm , and a variety of other factors which , which mean that it would be nice to think that where S S A increases for this Committee , it also increases for the County Council .
10 ‘ I 'm willing to bet that if Mr Taylor had n't put in an appearance — ’
11 Then gasped , and started to laugh as though Father Devlin had made a joke , but ceased abruptly at the stern look on Father Devlin 's face .
12 He said simply that he had known where to go for it , and moved on to explain that when Hal MacQuillan made a bid for the paper it was supposed to be his personal fortune that was financing it .
13 Dolly hopped back to the bedroom just in time , for a moment later up came Linda and Ella to say that as Sergeant Joe was out , their mum had asked them to keep her company for a bit .
14 It began to sound as though G. F. Westerby was going to prove a disappointment .
15 But by mentioning them I have perhaps been able to show that when theists talk of God as ‘ both far and near ’ , or as ‘ visible and unseen ’ , they are not guilty of a simple contradiction in terms .
16 Overall , it is important to note that while Fleet Street was dominated by large groups , only one , Associated , survived the whole period from 1945 to 1990 .
17 It is interesting to note that although cost benefit has undoubtedly remained attractive to local authorities operating in difficult financial circumstances , evaluation theory has long recognized that cost benefit analysis can not be applied uniformly :
18 I entirely agree with this decision and with the passage cited but it is important to note that when Nolan J. spoke of the alternatives which ‘ must both be made available to the subject ’ he was , as I think , clearly referring to the alternative on the one hand of allowing the breath specimen to stand and on the other hand of exercising the right to have it replaced by a specimen of blood or urine in accordance with section 7(4) .
19 It is interesting to note that when John Major reshuffled his Cabinet and appointed Timothy Renton as Arts Minister , The Sunday Times reported that the creme de la creme of the art world heaved a sigh of relief — thank God someone of ‘ our sort ’ , instead of that grammar school boy David Mellor .
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