Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Although he is involved in the redevelopment of mills from a business point of view , he has a deep historical commitment and it is very pleasing to know that this stems from his undergraduate years at Nottingham . ’
2 Unidroit , for example , goes to considerable trouble , by means of consultations with representative international organizations and by questionnaires to specialists and to governments which in turn consult their national organizations , to establish that those practising in the field in question believe that differences in national laws create a problem and that harmonization would bring benefits .
3 It would be helpful to know if that belonged to Harry . ’
4 It can be expensive to provide and difficult to obtain at short notice , and has the disadvantage of not being readily available in ordinary schools .
5 Entry should be to Chris Ebrey on a standard entry card with division marked and a note to indicate whether available to assist for Friday 's practice runs .
6 Both poverty and unemployment traps may provide a disincentive to work as those caught within them find it difficult , or even impossible , to improve their position through their own efforts .
7 In one sense , in a report about ‘ environmental scanning ’ , it would be good to be able to report that those engaged in that activity had solved this problem of making the information that they deliver , directly usable by those to whom it is delivered .
8 If you have a larger area to plant than that shown in the plan , increase the quantities of plants used , or try some others , too .
9 Fomites with smooth hard surfaces e.g. glass , are easier to clean than those made of fabric .
10 It is important to remember that these vary in the amount of energy they provide .
11 Fun to wear and great to look after .
12 Peter and I agreed that the next step should be for us ( you ? ) to circulate the above topic/author proposals as an Aunt Sally to Paul and Jackie Schachter to see if this coincides at all with their thinking .
13 There is evidence to suggest that this did in fact happen .
14 Also , though kite flying is a popular hobby in Japan , one would hesitate to suggest that this applies in any financial senses .
15 However , it may be said to be fairer than the Community Charge in that the tax does , at least , rise with the value of the house and it is reasonable to assume that those living in more expensive houses have higher incomes than those living in less expensive dwellings .
16 Understandably outraged by the revelations that colleagues had been implicated , however unwittingly , in the notorious Project Camelot , linked with CIA activities in Cambodia , American Anthropologists have often tended to assume that those working in ‘ colonial situations ’ elsewhere must have been similarly employed as , in effect , government agents .
17 ‘ Just get out , ’ she cried feebly , not knowing where to look and unable to reach for the bag in case she revealed more of her anatomy than she already had .
18 Lastly , the United Kingdom argued that , if any national of a member state could establish himself in another member state and , without more , exercise the same right to fish as that enjoyed by the nationals of that latter member state , it would not only be the quota system which would be undermined .
19 Caterina judged then , as she watched Rosa pin her hair , that the ease with which she , Caterina , won applause — when she danced and sang the cherry song , or strewed flowers before the host in the procession , making a little reverence to the monstrance on every third step backwards — was undeserved , the effect of some trick she did not want to perform but that came to her naturally from some evil in her , the same evil that had inspired her bad thoughts of Tommaso and prevented her doing as her sister , her beloved sister , wanted .
20 I found them comfortable to use and easy to care for .
21 But speculative ventures in the late '80s have proved costly to fund and unprofitable to sell in a worsening climate .
22 No service-provider was hard to contact or reluctant to talk about a client .
23 When words are printed in upper-case letters alone they have reduced shape information , and are more difficult to recognise than those printed in lower-case .
24 Er Madam Speaker , I I agree with er the honourable gentleman that it 's extremely important that the various agencies do play a part in working together to ensure effective action with minimum bureaucracy and I know that the honourable gentleman has been anxious to ensure that that happens in his own constituency and his own area where he is dealing with the problems of high unemployment er and the fall out from the closures of pits in his area and if the honourable gentleman has any specific er er measures which he would like us to look at then I 'd be very happy to consider those .
25 Mrs McNee tries to ensure that that coincides with the children 's return from school .
26 Before attempting to introduce the legislation this strategy required , the Reagan forces prepared the ground by taking unprecedented steps to ensure that those appointed to the new administration were fully committed to the president 's aims .
27 In practice , more than this minimum is likely to be required for entry to the majority of the courses offered by the University , in order to ensure that those admitted to degree courses possess a sufficiently broad educational background and that they may reasonably be expected to benefit from a university education .
28 However , it is difficult to believe that this amounts to as much as £30 per hour .
29 In other words , in the contrast between a humanities and a science and technological education , there was an underlying gulf in the conceptions of what a higher education stood for ; and it was Snow 's failure to recognize that that lay at the heart of Leavis ' attack on Snow 's association of the two cultures . ’
30 All three judges in the Divisional Court ( the others were Glidewell J and Nolan J ) found the speeches of the Law Lords in Bromley v. GLC not easy to understand and impossible to reduce to agreed principles .
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