Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [ex0] [is] not " in BNC.

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1 But I want all my friends to know that there is not any weakening of affection .
2 It is important to remember that there is not special supplement of vitamins , minerals or anything else for that matter , that will melt your excess weight away .
3 His poem about Mesmer is a great puzzle to me , as I can not tell with any certainty what is his attitude to Animal Magnetism , whether mocking or endorsing , and this is so with other of his work , so that often one is led to wonder whether there is not a great pother of talk about nothing much .
4 There is another piece of evidence to suggest that there is not hostility .
5 Does my right hon. Friend agree that much the most important and immediate task now faced by the international order is to ensure that there is not a quantum leap in the number of countries with access to smaller , tactical and battlefield nuclear weapons and nuclear warheads ?
6 For some the holding of one of these posts was just one stage in their careers , for others a succession of such posts appears to have become a career in itself , though one must be careful to emphasize that there is not enough evidence to suggest that there was in the case of the muderris/muftis anything like as clearly defined a career structure as in the case of the muderrises and the kadis , that there was , in effect , a comparable to the and the .
7 The market values of the assets , on the other hand , is much more difficult to determine because there is not an efficient market in second-hand assets .
8 The good coach will try to get his students to realise that there is not such a big gap as they imagine between their abilities and the task in hand .
9 If we add the £100 for the tank onto this then it does not take a genius to realise that there is not much left of the £250 budget , especially if we allow for adds-and-ends such as airline , non-return valves to protect the pump , a stick-on thermometer etc .
10 Another is to check that there is not an intermittent break from a loose fitting power lead to the floppy disk drive perhaps .
11 That is not to say that there is not the power to do it and , in my judgment , the Act provides for this exceptional circumstance to take place .
12 ‘ I would n't like to say that there is not such a thing as black magic but I know of a coincidence , or something that happened regularly .
13 It was an excellent idea to couple the 1915 El Amor brujo with El Retablo de Maese Pedro , to show that there is not such a gulf between the ‘ Andalusian ’ and ‘ Castillian ’ periods of Fall 's musical output as is commonly supposed .
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