Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [vb pp] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 SPECIAL : Regiments of Archers are permitted to skirmish as described in the rules for skirmishing in the Warhammer rulebook .
2 Padilla 's Stabat mater ( track 11 ) setting , and Victoria 's sublime Alma redemptoris mater ( track 12 ) receive the same attention to detail as displayed in the masses ; ensemble and intonation once again excellent .
3 Mrs Mantini did not like Rachaela to sit and read in the shop .
4 This blind adherence to ancient beliefs dating from times when all nature was a mystery and man 's efforts to penetrate the enigma of his beginnings quite beyond his mental capacity , is even more difficult to understand when viewed in the light of his advances along all other frontiers of knowledge .
5 Another used sweet saffron leaves , baked to dry and fed in the same way : ‘ Only you had to be some careful not to give the horse too much of the powder or else the sweat would bring it out and you could smell the herb on his coat . ’
6 Lavender is slightly tender , and will be better able to survive if grown in a warm sunny position and dry , well-drained soil so that it ripens and matures thoroughly before winter .
7 Traits which are advantageous tend to survive and spread in the population , those which are not , do not .
8 Negative interest rate , as exercised by Swiss bankers , is not at this stage suggested , but it is an option which Swiss experience would help us to achieve if needed in the future .
9 In Western cooking such a mixture can add zing to almost anything from scrambled eggs to vegetables , soups , stews and sauces and poached or baked fruits , with the grateful advantage that the result will not taste as though you have succumbed to panic and thrown in a spoonful of curry powder .
10 Other cleaning agents are largely those which , when added to dirt , cause a chemical reaction to occur as specified in the equation .
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