Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [pers pn] be do " in BNC.

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1 It helps our children to know that they 're doing something for those children .
2 ‘ And to know that you are doing something so useful Making cotton thread to be woven into lovely dresses ! ’
3 Erm I was n't , I did n't know what you were trying to get at when you were bringing up the miles per annum that he was doing , I can understand the flying side of it but driving in the car , yes you need to know that he 's doing a lot of miles and that there 's , you know , the there 's the potential danger and everything there but I did n't understand why you need his specific miles per annum .
4 ‘ If a child ca n't see how it 's performing , ’ demanded Mr Stannard , ‘ how 's it to know if it 's doing well or not ?
5 After the initial impetus has run out , he wrote , and before one has got in so far that it is easier to finish than to go back , it is then that it becomes hard to be sure of your footing , hard to know why you are doing what you are doing , hard to know if you are doing correctly what you are doing .
6 He hoped the artist would not be offended , but as he had dined there many years , if it would be a convenience during his present work to dine until it was done , he need be under no apprehension for his dinner .
7 ‘ The only way to know whether we are doing any good would be to take us away for a year !
8 I want to know whether it was done by Glynn himself or by an outsider .
9 Though we can not look at things from all points of view at once , we can at least learn not to pretend that we are doing so .
10 But er I his lieutenants were there and I 'm sure he looked to see that they were doing their job properly .
11 Of course , Madame Duvalle will come over every month to see that I 'm doing things the right way and Monsieur Félix intends to spend quite a lot of time in London .
12 But you you do n't want to you do n't want to see that you 're doing it that way .
13 Remember that your colleagues need your reassurance too , to confirm that they are doing the right thing .
14 I began to wonder if he was doing it deliberately , if he knew I was insanely in love with you and thought it was funny to goad me . ’
15 I 'd hate you to imagine that I 'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart , ’ he said through clenched teeth .
16 I 'll pick a different slot each week and get the jock on duty to announce that I 'm doing it . ’
17 You know how some sports cars manage to look like they are doing about a hundred miles while still parked at the kerb ?
18 You have to do if you 're doing that you have to have all the ins and outs plus a circulation flow .
19 To do as you are doing , to take to yourself the right to decide who shall and who shall not be born , is to set yourself up above God — ’
20 Mankind has a powerful desire to rationalise its actions ; and when people found themselves ten , twenty years after the First World War still paying housing subsidies , this desire to rationalise , and perhaps a natural sense of shame , forbade them to recognise that they were doing so merely out of unwillingness to recognise that 1914 prices and money values had gone for ever .
21 The thi th See the thing about maths is it 's very easy to learn the rules but but hard to understand when we 're doing things that do n't make sense .
22 It is easy enough to put another interpretation on the behaviour of the Robinses , to argue that they were doing their best in trying circumstances ( to forbid German was not a bad way of teaching English ) , and that they had their work cut out dealing with precocious children .
23 We made the mistake of not having enough of our own practical management to check that they were doing the right thing .
24 That 's what I he did agree to it when I I mentioned it to him but I just ha I want to check if he 's doing one tomorrow , cos if he 's doing one tomorrow it might be tomorrow morning so I 'll have
25 The FMC regulations also provide a means for notifying the public of the requirements and availability of surety bonds and enable ocean carriers to ascertain whether they are doing business with an untariffed or unbonded NVOCC .
26 They need to put that in anyway to see whether they are doing anything .
27 ‘ The lady prefers not to have us reveal any details , only to say that she is doing this out of love for her late husband , ’ he said .
28 Those assembled were unanimous that the King could not be allowed to proceed as he was doing .
29 I had n't gone on the Pill because I did n't want to admit that I was doing something wrong , because mum had always brought me up that it was wrong before marriage .
30 They believe that the current slaughter policy is a political expedient designed to allow ministers to show that they are doing something to curb food poisoning .
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