Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] they [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 If the investment managers had to come in they could have come in at any time .
2 He demanded to know when they would have the use of the stage .
3 Given the variety of motif etc. in the Broad Street , Halstock , Bacchus and Leopard and Bishopstone pavements , it is difficult to imagine how they could have grown out of the Chedworth — Tockington sequence .
4 Geologists , mapping the site , found it difficult to understand how they could have been shaped by the normal forces of erosion .
5 If pupils feel they want to smoke there they 'll have to stick to the bikesheds .
6 To succeed again they will have to improve their fitness and concentration , the only flaws in an otherwise faultless game-plan .
7 Mrs Marston actually came to the town on the Bishop 's Castle Railway with her parents when she was a young girl , and when we formed the BCRS she told us that it is difficult to see how they could have made the move , complete with furniture , in any other way in those days .
8 And if in the County Council 's view , they 're all equally interchangeable and the anybody , then I fail to see how they can have come to a a view that the maximum acceptable environmental figure is their forty one thousand .
9 This enables the bat to cool down as it flies , so if pterosaurs needed to cool down they must have worked their wings as they flew , and probably were endothermic .
10 It is difficult to explain why they would have maintained such popularity — for it is said that Cooper produced a painting a day — over shifts in market and social circumstances .
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