Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] about [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The second level , Taylor 's , was to be located downstream from here and driven into the western side of the Red Dell Beck to come up about 180 ft. below the old workings on the surface — Wide Work .
2 Detractors of what has been achieved so far in Docklands , 10 years after the LDDC 's inception , fail to remember that there is one other artery into the area that will have a positive effect on commercial property : the underground road tunnel known as the Limehouse Link , which is expected to open in about eight months ' time , eliminating tedious congestion at Tower Bridge and Wapping .
3 It is preferable to arrange to visit in about 6 months ' time for a general discussion on how they are getting on .
4 Anyway perhaps if if I come back to you after next Tuesday afternoon when I 've got a meeting to talk just about that subject with the deputy and see what options are going to come forward .
5 Today is Pentium launch day when the likes of NCR Corp , Unisys Corp , Compaq Computer Corp and some two dozen other companies take the wraps off their first Pentium machines , but there is not much point in their making too much noise about it — Intel Corp expects to ship only about 10,000 Pentium chips to customers through June ; machines are generally expected to start at about $5,000 , but the Wall Street Journal hears that Advanced Logic Research Inc will announce a basic Pentium box for about $3,000 ; Compaq also plans an $18,000 Pentium version of its SystemPro server .
6 By 4.30 somebody says , ‘ They 're going to wrap in about five minutes and have a big spread over at the sound stage . ’
7 This is the some the th one of the things I was going to suggest about I was going to leave it till next meeting , is that we we try and organize ourselves so that we are not su Last year I found myself sitting there frantically writing names on raffle tickets , knowing I was going out to play in about ten minutes , but there was nobody there to take over .
8 The Stock Market , however , tends to look ahead about six months .
9 The superintendent of police in my area has told me that , were we to round up about 150 people in the county of Cleveland , it would eradicate about 80 per cent .
10 ‘ I would normally expect to put in about 1,000 hours on a case .
11 ‘ I still had to get to New York where my plane was due to leave in about two hours . ’
12 This particular recipe is a quick-to-make version , and is ready to use in about ten minutes .
13 the fringe meeting Question Time which is due to start in about five minutes time , will last till seven o'clock .
14 It 's going to finish up about ten yards in front of me .
15 Smugglers have also been intercepted taking tusks out of Ethiopia , which is estimated to have only about 2,400 elephants , down from about 8,700 in 1986 .
16 One rat might be taught to run , and then taught three hours later to stand still ; another rat might be taught to stay still about six hours after it was taught to run .
17 I need a placement and as i swing the axe the other tool pulls , only to jam again about 30 centimetres lower .
18 The Colombian government agreed in October 1989 to hand over about 30,000 sq km of Amazon rainforest to indigenous Indian tribes in addition to the approximately 60,000 sq km transferred in previous years .
19 In Dwing , a village in the high Garhwal Himalayas of Uttar Pradesh , women walk at least 10 kilometres three out of four days , for an average of seven hours per day , to bring back about 25 kg of wood with each headload .
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