Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [prep] [det] the " in BNC.

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1 I am not going to go in to all the details , but I give you one example .
2 ( I doubt that men are reading magazines which counsel them to modify their style in order ‘ to communicate better with all the women in your life ’ ! )
3 Sometimes , too , it is possible to make the mistake of thinking that she is expecting us to come up with all the answers when , often , all she wants is the opportunity to state the problem to someone who understands and will not criticise her .
4 Harriet often came to stay at Netherhampton to catch up on all the ‘ gossip of Salisbury ’ and to take her mind off her romance with Shelley , thwarted at every step by her brother Charles .
5 And , after his return to England at the beginning of the year , he was forced to catch up with all the work he had neglected .
6 In March they returned to England , and he attempted to catch up with all the work and correspondence he had left behind .
7 as the race for the world championship hots up its time now to catch up with all the rest of the sports news …
8 No sociological research is likely to produce absolutely clear cut answers ; if it were to come out with all the results 100 per cent in support of some hypothesis it would rather suggest that the hypothesis was hardly worth bothering about in the first place .
9 And we we go in car shopping and we always get our s shopping from , you know with it being cheap , and we go in her brother 's car , and so we do n't have to carry it back all the way from , but round here you see you 'd have to go out , you 'd have to take the kid with you , and your girlfriend , and then you 've got to come back with all the shopping and your kids as well .
10 Now although Morag liked both the summer and the winter , there was one other time she always looked forward to and that was the spring — time when the snow melted and green leaves began to appear again on all the trees and hedges .
11 Of course , some people take hobbies , pastimes and other activities to incredible lengths , but you do n't have to be able to converse knowledgeably about all the different types to enjoy an exquisite bloom .
12 The Avignon 's bows had begun to swing rapidly through all the points of the compass as the river meandered on through the jungle , and the tips of the cathedral spires seemed to dart around the ship , popping up first in one quarter then another like the ears of an inquisitive rabbit trying to follow its progress .
13 Now , in the dream influence of the moon , Fenna told Maggie to look down on all the kingdoms of the world , and across China she saw the snaking of the Great Wall .
14 Gary was bolder than Hoomey , less graceful than Jazz , but showed the Nicholson family characteristics of dour determination to win through against all the odds .
15 A gravel tidy , which is no more than a fine plastic mesh , should then be laid over the coarse medium and should be neatly trimmed to fit snugly into all the corners and around the uplifts .
16 I just have to put up with all the humiliations that fall on my head in this great country !
17 He could make five thousand more in the City , but he 'd have to put up with all the yuppies .
18 Ah , well y'see youre lucky you do nt have to put up with all the constant SCUM hype .
19 Under this , money is handed out to industry to finance up to half the cost of individual research projects .
20 Yeah , I think in the end it was fifty thousand that we did , which is going to go out with all the mailings over the next few weeks .
21 I seemed to miss out on all the fun in those days , my spells afloat were few and far between , while ashore at Felixstowe I was very busy as trade in that port was building up rapidly .
22 What was clearly stated was that the police have now powers as such to ban an event , unless it can be shown to be a public nuisance , and that they have no desire to fall out with all the local charities .
23 For babies who seem to react badly to all the different formula feeds , the possibility of some other cause , such as an infection , should be reconsidered .
24 So I think you can be assured that it 's not something that 's been put to one side , it 's something that we 're trying to build in to all the work we do , in whatever ways appropriate , but er , I accept that the the implications for your comment , that we 've got to be continually , er watching ourselves , to make sure that we do that .
25 From now on , Nietzsche 's antithesis was to figure prominently in all the studies leading up to BT .
26 I buy it every month — well , I have to keep up with all the latest styles , do n't I ? ’
27 As in the lowlands , the traditional landscape has to some extent been preserved by the economic irrationality of farmers — although in the uplands it consists of their ability to hold on against all the odds rather than disavow the pursuit of maximum profits .
28 Groupe St. Louis was the largest shareholder in Arjomari , with a shareholding of 45% and the right to appoint up to half the members of the Supervisory Board or the bodies legally representing the undertaking .
29 I think it 's probably better for us to stay away from all the f—ing scenes in Sydney because it gives us original ideas on life . ’
30 Nor is it , unless applied by someone brave enough to face up to all the disturbing hypotheses that can arise in the course of it .
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