Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 L would myself much prefer to wait on just one diner , even if he were a total stranger .
2 You have to carry on as much time as
3 Successful collaboration during the first Whitehall study made it easier to agree on potentially difficult issues such as obtaining sickness absence records from the pay centres .
4 Um nevertheless er there 's a fundamental distinction made by most authors that to include children , to include apparently emotionally immature people , in sexual relationships as you would with adults is is fundamentally abusive .
5 They are consequently able to flow only very short distances before they solidify .
6 This enables the air to flow in just one direction in an improved exchange of gases between air and blood .
7 It is the function of the cognitive analyser to perform in exactly this way and thereby to relate the organism more closely to environmental and social change .
8 I , I think Chairman that as , as we come out of the recession an and th that the overall erm level er quantity of development taking place increases , then we are almost bound to see perhaps more affordable housing erm in absolute terms , although I do n't see any opportunity of there being a a major hiccup in proportional terms , so I , I , like you , I think I remain er pessimistic er regarding the , the , the overview , although we might see er a turning up of the er of the graph having been bumping along the bottom for a little time a little while .
9 " The Giant Awakes " ( Chapter 5 ) is a good example of a highly prescriptive opening which is then used to stimulate much more open-ended work .
10 Such a preference is scarcely surprising but may be difficult to accommodate in specially designated homes and hostels .
11 In addition to the immediately obvious atmospheric hazards it was possible to include less immediately obvious ones associated with volcanoes ( Clapperton , 1972 ) and earthquakes .
12 But then er he works late last night and he had to go in again this morning .
13 The physical differences between the two classes are related to the fact that ingrown meanders are able to perform much more lateral erosion during incision than are intrenched meanders .
14 ‘ If we win there before 2041 I 'll have to regard it as a bonus , ’ joked Wilkinson , frustrated at the way his players have failed to perform so often this season .
15 I 'm telling you we work hard , I know we can get better organized , but we do work very hard and we have to work on so many fronts .
16 And I explained to them it 's because having been unemployed most of my professional life that I 've always been short of money and that 's what 's led me to work on very cheap materials .
17 Even after repair works on the generators had been done , only two of them operated satisfactorily forcing the factory to work on only two shifts instead of the usual three .
18 I proceeded to pass on as many details as I could remember .
19 In the attempt to become an independent social science , sociology has left biology out of account by trying to purify the discipline and to concentrate on purely sociological variables .
20 Doubtless he 'd be able to find much more amenable company on the slopes tomorrow morning .
21 Children become aware of this and tend to communicate in only those words that the computer understands .
22 Lord Desai — an economic spokesman in the Lords — had to stand down earlier this month after controversial remarks about VAT , which went against Labour 's policy .
23 A person who distributes inflammatory material to equable recipients can argue with some plausibility that he intended to display his contempt for the views of the recipient , or was seeking to indicate in forcefully graphic terms that he held a different point of view from the one espoused by his audience .
24 Was he really so unaware of those difficulties experienced by the person of colour in white European culture — difficulties of which Frantz Fanon was to write so compellingly fifty years later in Black Skin , White Masks , and in relation to France specifically ?
25 The manual is very explicit on the subject , and covers everything you 're likely to need to know in quite some depth , including an enlightened explanation of IRQ , DMA and port assignments .
26 But while the audience can relax in relative comfort in the mini auditorium which seats 200 , staff and performers have always had to work in rather cramped conditions in tiny dressing-rooms and offices that still have the old wall-paper on the bedroom walls .
27 It could be frustrating to these job occupants to work in highly uncertain environments and have no power to change those environments .
28 But the citizen who misunderstands , and thus fails to heed , the dictates of an ambiguous Act of Parliament is liable to suffer much more serious consequences .
29 At the very least they are likely to demand much more stringent terms for future loans , thus prejudicing the overall returns for investors .
30 UEFA will need to rake in as much money as possible to satisfy powerful clubs used to making their own lucrative television deals .
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