Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] at a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He told the reporter , who was driven blindfold to meet him at a secret location , that gangsters doused one of his two sons with petrol and threatened to kill them both if he did not co-operate in the theft .
2 She was close enough to the dead man to arrange to meet him at an isolated spot without arousing suspicions .
3 On the Left Bank the Germans began to find themselves at an increasing tactical disadvantage .
4 What happens to their income support , do they still continue to receive it at a reduced rate ?
5 ‘ The money we 'll get for the house , if we 're lucky enough to sell it at a good price , will just about pay the bills . ’
6 In some West Indian islands a yacht arriving without one will be confronted with a customs officer producing a rolled-up flag from his pocket and offering to sell it at an inflated price in an atmosphere of thinly disguised pressure .
7 If the material is being used on a table or flat surface , it means that in order to use it at a close distance from the eye , the head is bent low over the book in order to try to discriminate the print .
8 When you are pre-recording the music , remember to record it at a constant high level so that you can make all the downward level adjustments when the final transfer is made onto the video tape ; this minimises tape hiss .
9 Now that he 'd told her he wanted the club , Adam would probably expect her to keep him at a wary arm 's length .
10 Robbie could scarcely believe this was the same man who was at such pains to keep her at a safe distance , until she reflected that in Fen 's eyes Miss Taylor would present no threat to his reserve .
11 Brenda Campbell says to ride a 100 miles on a horse is quite something in itself but to ride it at a fast pace and be able to get off is semothing else and it 's the best thing you can do with a horse
12 It needs a powerful machine to run it at a reasonable speed but even if you do n't have such a machine you need to know about it as a sign of things to come .
13 If a teenager decides to earn money doing a paper round , or a Saturday job , there is no reason why their mother should set her alarm in order to wake them at an unearthly hour .
14 Likewise , sending British or Eurocheques can cause problems , delay and heavy charges for the recipient when he or she tries to cash them at a foreign bank .
15 Likewise , sending British or Eurocheques can cause problems , delay and heavy charges for the recipient when he or she tries to cash them at a foreign bank .
16 Likewise , sending British or Eurocheques can cause problems , delay and heavy charges for the recipient when he or she tries to cash them at a foreign bank .
17 The Patriotic People 's Front ( PPF ) , the umbrella grouping which had comprised the HSWP and other parties represented in the government before liberalization measures were introduced , decided to dissolve itself at a national conference in May 1990 following the poor election result .
18 The defendant then made an agreement with the plaintiffs in which ‘ in consideration that the plaintiffs , at the request of the defendant , would deliver to the defendant ’ the cargo of coal , the defendant promised to unload it at a stated rate .
19 Mr Dorman said : ‘ The way forward is to attract the youngsters but we have to get them at an early age . ’
20 These are waters which do not , as a rule , produce big bream , for with so many mouths to share the available food there is only enough to maintain them at a low body weight .
21 In spite of this , innovation by individuals and communities of farmers in Africa will continue , and for the most part will enable rural families to maintain themselves at a reasonable level of nutrition .
22 The Government will have to defend itself at an international legal inquiry against allegations that the SAS operated a shoot-to-kill policy .
23 After demonstrations outside his home and threats to his life , Tshisekedi refused the position , denying that he had agreed to take it at a secret meeting with the President .
24 In spite of our scepticism , to our relief the first boat in that area to be investigated proved to match the photograph and we slunk off into the night , doused our lights , and prepared to follow her at a safe distance .
25 The proposal is to mine the lignite and to burn it at a mine-mouth power station , probably near the Crumlin deposit .
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