Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] he [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had n't wept or clung to him , demanded to know what he felt about her , uttered those naive and sweetly foolish declarations of undying love expected of a young girl whose virginity had just been taken .
2 I 'd like to know who attended the meeting at which the attendance level was set and I 'd like to know what he said on Liverpool 's behalf .
3 One was to see her own column — for so J.D. called it — in print , another was to know whether or not Dr Neil had read it , and still another was to know what he thought of it — and none of these desires seemed likely to be satisfied .
4 She wanted to know what he did with his evenings and was told of occasional visits to the West End now everything in the world of entertainment had opened up once more , but the mess or the local pubs were the usual haunts of his brother officers and himself .
5 Though their heads were held down forcibly , the two men looked up at Rosten , anxious to know what he intended for them .
6 But it was I who was stupid , too stupid to see he had reason for wanting to establish what he thought of as respectable origins .
7 Through their objectivity , he argued , search consultants were able to provide what he saw as conceptual help in defining a business need and translating it into the sort of people who could fulfil it ; actually searching for people was perhaps less important .
8 Nevertheless , he viewed Coenwulf as a tyrant , who had compounded his deficiencies by putting away his wife and taking another ( as Eardwulf had done in Northumbria ) , and urged the Mercian patrician to advise the Mercian people to observe what he referred to as the good and chaste customs of Offa .
9 Athelstan sensed that , if he had known who they were before he answered the door , he would never have let them inside , or else would have taken measures to hide whatever he had in the house .
10 The main thrust of Friedman 's paper was to displace what he regarded as an ill-informed and misguided optimism among post-war Keynesians concerning the ability of governments to intervene in the economy to achieve particular policy objectives .
11 He has allowed The Art Newspaper to republish what he said in the Dalmatian ( therefore Croatian ) periodical Nedjeljna Dalmacija last 5 September , because , he says , everything he said then remains true today .
12 He then proceeded to elaborate what he meant by this consumption , for example , that cotton is turned into fabric , so new cotton must be grown ; fabric is worn out , so that new fabric must be woven , etc .
13 His initial steps were taken to foil what he interpreted as attempts by the superpowers or their proxies to bolster the bipolar order .
14 He planned to engage what he believed to be weak Russian formations advancing from the east .
15 It was very hard to imagine what he made of what was going on .
16 Professor Kellert used the results of his survey to identify what he considered to be the main animal characteristics that guided North American preferences .
17 But she had n't been able to hear what he said for the roaring in her ears .
18 Lewis took the trouble to transcribe what he remembered of their conversation :
19 Colonel Moore was not the man to betray what he interpreted as his duty and his trust .
20 He sat gazing into space , his unblinking stare which had compelled Harold Macmillan to shift him in Cabinet so as to avoid what he took for continual rebuke , unbroken by the throng that pressed about him .
21 Julia tried to obey , as she tried to do everything he demanded of her over the next few days and as she tried to keep her misery and pain and fear from all of them .
22 He did n't want to exacerbate what he saw as an existing weakness of his own in that respect , and although he was not censorious of other people , I think he was genuinely quite frightened of it , and at one point in the Arts Lab , when there was quite a lot of speed pills , amphetamines , going around amongst the young people there , he did speak out very strongly one evening against it , saying that he personally did not want anything like that around anything he was closely involved with because he felt that it was not a good thing for people to be speeding and it created the sort of vibes that might end up causing problems .
23 Better to use what he found to hand . ’
24 Lands thus confiscated were Henry 's to do what he liked with .
25 And because I was drunk and ca n't remember anything about my ordeal , does that give him the right to do what he did to me ?
26 In this address , delivered in the south-central city of Cienfuegos on Sept. 5 and broadcast nationwide , he provided statistics to illustrate what he described as the " extraordinary damage " to the economy caused by the severing of preferential trading links with the former Soviet Union .
27 The removal of Saddam Hussein was frequently stated not to be an explicit allied war aim , but allied leaders nevertheless referred on a number of occasions to the desirability of such an outcome , notably on Feb. 15 when US President George Bush urged the Iraqi people to overthrow what he described as the brutal dictatorship .
28 Chen studied the menu a moment , trying to recognise something he knew amongst the hundred exotic brews , then looked up again , shrugging .
29 He did n't want to contemplate what he smelt like .
30 The King was in no position to make such a decision and , in any case , Baldwin had already decided to meet Parliament when he met the King on 10 December , and so the King did not even have to persuade him to adopt what he believed to be the correct course .
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