Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [conj] do it " in BNC.

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1 yeah so I said oh I see , so that was that , so I think they 've got a , a meeting in a couple of weeks and they 'll sort of tell her discreetly that she has to carry on and do it what she 's been the
2 Do n't wait for Personnel to come along and do it for you .
3 ‘ Arthur got an electrician to come in and do it during the week . ’
4 Or you could do what my elderly neighbour does : every time she feels like decorating she pays a neighbour 's student son to come in and do it for her .
5 I get a maid to come in and do it for me .
6 You 'd be employing , you 'd be employing builders to come in and do it for you .
7 If you want that done , you 'll have to come down and do it yourself .
8 He supposed the Parents ' Association would make a rota of some sort , to come up and do it .
9 Rather than have to bail out and do it again .
10 and we could maybe find someone else to go off and do it with
11 I always tell the younger athletes to go out and do it , to believe in themselves .
12 ‘ I 've never had any doubts about my scoring ability but I have still got to go out and do it on a consistent basis . ’
13 To go out and do it again , and then wheel the goodamn babes out for the inspection of the nation is beyond comprehension .
14 I just want to get on and do it .
15 Er and that the with er nothing more than to get on and do it .
16 And if there 's only one thing you want to do you have to get on and do it .
17 You got to get on and do it .
18 Having told me that everyone was advising him to record it , I told him to go ahead and do it , but not with me .
19 Erm I know it 's easier said than done sometimes but er it has to be your decision because even if you went ahead and were confirmed , we were tal talking about the idea of sometimes parents bring pressure on them on you to go ahead and do it and be confirmed , erm when perhaps you 're not do n't feel ready for it and it takes a lot of courage to stand up and say No I 'm not ready .
20 ‘ All kinds of typographical fireworks are now made possible by computers and that has generated its own trend : if this or that trick can be done , then it soon becomes fashionable to go ahead and do it .
21 They had to go ahead and do it .
22 But erm is going to step in and do it .
23 And then if he 's serious in marrying you , my advice to you would be to skip off and do it .
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