Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [conj] [verb] us " in BNC.

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1 He told us to sit down and served us vinegar-tasting wine .
2 And those horrible white things floating up there , just waiting to fall down and smother us .
3 I mean no one is going to come on and drag us off …
4 Well I 'd like to see a very open report , and that 's why I Mr , and I 'd like him to look at all the options , we 're deferring this so that we can see what 's possible , you know , , perhaps Hanson Trust would like to come along and offer us fifty million pounds for it , that 'd be a fair deal would n't it , perhaps somebody else would do that .
5 It takes science to come along and tell us that what is going on under these circumstances is a brain process , let alone to tell us which brain process it is .
6 One of the things I am obviously gon na have to look at is the what you 've done in the last two or three years because traditionally erm we would n't ask van drivers to come along and see us .
7 ‘ No good askin' you to come down an' join us , Sergeant Joe , if yer goin' out , I suppose . ’
8 I was going in I was gon na ask somebody to come down and show us how to light the boiler .
9 Yes I I can remember as a child my grandmother 's erm , family all lived in the east end and I can remember that the you know on the occasions that they used to come down and see us there was always tins of fruit and all sorts of
10 ‘ Would you like to come over and join us ? ’
11 ‘ I played for their club when I was touring in Germany , and they volunteered to come over and help us whenever they could .
12 Are you going to come up and join us ?
13 ‘ I spoke to three different minicab firms , but none of them wanted to come out and fetch us .
14 We should not only lose , against eight times our numbers , but we might well tempt the Forteviot garrison to come out and rescue us , and the fort would be taken . ’
15 You tell us and we 'll tell Nottinghamshire for free so that 's What 's On B B C Radio Nottingham Box two two two in Nottingham Nottingham N G one three H Z to write to and do n't forget tonight as well er if you want to come out and see us we 're doing Drinking Partners our pub quiz er we 're in the Star Inn on Middle Street in Beeston and the evening there starts at eight o'clock .
16 I had the strong impression he might be tempted to come back and give us a bit more front-line colour from the other side of the grave .
17 I mean do n't be frightened to come back and see us about that
18 I 'm just sitting wondering whether the in light of the problems we 've had in the Gulf , there 's no doubt about it the strengthening of the relationship between this country and the States is certainly there for all of us to see , so do you think that 'll have a spin off in terms of people wanting to come here and visit us ?
19 McHale said : ‘ You 'd think that Chesterfield have to come here and beat us to keep alive their chances of reaching the playoffs . ’
20 It 's those people we 'd appeal to come forward and help us indentify their items .
21 ‘ We would ask them to come forward and help us solve this terrible killing . ’
22 Erm t just to er well there was a l a certain lack of time on this thing , I mean , Dennis had to come round and tell us to start our tick-list else we were n't gon na .
23 But , firms are beginning to open up and give us an opportunity actually to take youngsters in and see what it 's all about .
24 Perhaps you or I might have got fed up with all the attention and been tempted to tell the crowds to go home and leave us alone .
25 You 'll be please to know our patient has decided to waken up and grace us with his company , at long last . ’
26 Gregory was unable to do so and counselled us to abandon the lesion method altogether .
27 I do n't know exactly what happened , but they seemed to lean down and grab us , just pull us up on to their horses .
28 Each was required in turn to break off and tell us the advertisements were coming and it did prove hard , such was the intensity of the exchange , to sustain the intellectual commitment over commercial claims for Whiskas and options .
29 Coventry ( again ) were playing West Brom , West Brom were below us and had to beat coventry to stay up and send us down .
30 They would have to send troops down from Castlebar to seek out and destroy us .
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