Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The PROFITBOSS pro-acts his way to profit rather than reacting to potential loss .
2 As the date of the exam came nearer , he decided to go somewhere and read by himself .
3 This in turn depends on the relevance it has , how important it is to them not to get pregnant , and how easy emotionally and practically it is to go somewhere and ask for it .
4 Charlie felt indifferent as each of the decorated men was announced and his citation read out until he heard the name of Lieutenant Arthur Harvey who , the colonel told them , had led a charge of Number Eleven Platoon all the way up to the German trenches , thus allowing those behind him to carry on and break through the enemy 's defences .
5 The Government are hoping to carry on and according to the Secretary of State for the Environment the people will have to put up with the tax until 1993 .
6 Green fields through which a road wound , not tiled like the tunnel floor but just as white ( the deep white dust of chalk hills in August ) so that the tunnel floor seemed to carry on and meander into this summer landscape .
7 ‘ He decided to carry on and returned to training four weeks ago .
8 But having said that , given that we do need to go on and talk about it , I will do my my best to give that information er that I have .
9 What I was going to do is to go on and talk about , bring out electricity again as something which crops up .
10 She wanted to go on and talk to the audience before the show began : ‘ Like me , please like me , ’ she said to them , which is an approach not appreciated by British audiences .
11 Paul says he 'd like to go on and run in 12 and 24 hour events .
12 With the Mercedes contingent out of the race , it paved the way for Mike Hawthorn ( GB ) and Ivor Bueb ( GB ) to go on and win in their Jaguar .
13 But he says he 'll go to court rather than pay for the round which works out at £17.50 a measure .
14 it is a funny film , you seen Roxanne where he plays a fucking funny , he has to think of twenty pornographic , the only women who can satisfy two by two women at once its got here , nature loving , too much , really love little bee , give a mat to sit on and stuff like that , your gon na fucking break that in a minute , time have you Mark ?
15 He did not ask her to sit down but said to her straightaway , ‘ What has she told you ? ’
16 The old Frenchman motioned for them to sit down and continue with their meal as he opened a cupboard and took out a bottle and two glasses .
17 We need to sit down and talk about what to do . ’
18 Kylie and Blamey were forces to wait agonising days before the trio agreed to sit down and talk about writing a song .
19 Mr Chalmers said in Glasgow : ‘ The only political parties who are not prepared to sit down and talk about the recall of a Scottish parliament are the Tory party and the Labour Party .
20 I mean I 'm obviously happy to sit down and talk through any of it beforehand anyway with you .
21 They all have people who deal specifically with debt problems and will be happy to sit down and talk to you .
22 The important thing about that Richard is you still have to sit down and talk to them about these businesses .
23 that looked fantastic and everyone said oh god he 's so artistic you know and he 's a butcher he was n't really but we just used to sit down and think of all these ideas you know
24 I think people give it away too much ; I do n't think they take the time to sit down and think about all aspects of being a creative person .
25 I think people give it away too much ; I do n't think they take the time to sit down and think about all aspects of being a creative person
26 Ingleston , if we were offered a King 's ransom , we might have to sit down and think about it , but it is very much a long , long shot !
27 ‘ It got people to sit down and think about these things .
28 But I did n't really have time or the ability to sit down and think about their whole term 's work which is what I had to do really .
29 At Christmas the pressure to sit down and eat with others is immense .
30 There has been no point in British history at which the prevailing method of government has been completely swept away , allowing those in power to sit down and create from first principles a new and clearly delineated form of government .
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