Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [noun] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The man survived the war and told the tale and has lived a purposeful life ever since , seeking to carry on Kolbe 's work of reconciliation .
2 Well , pretty fair , because then they used to go down Botterman 's Bay and where they used to er , the dock was in the hold , that was all loose grain and they used to put four bushels to the , so they used a bushel skip like that , wh which was a wooden one with a handle each side and they 'd go into the wheat
3 especially when we used to be at factory , because we used to come down Phillip 's yard , did n't
4 Through it , Palestinians are struggling on a daily basis to shake off Israel 's authority and to construct their own .
5 From one angle , it could be merely resting , yet from another , the crushed corpse seems to sum up man 's relationship with flies perfectly .
6 But the instructions were no more effective here than in the Ukraine , and , as we shall see , it was Georgia that came to sum up Lenin 's revulsion not only at the implementation of Party policy in the national field , but also at the general evolution of the Party .
7 That seemed to sum up Robinson 's attitude when , within weeks of becoming ‘ Lord High Everything ’ in the playing administration , he gladly handed over many of his responsibilities to a new team manager , Mike Hendrick .
8 Then the minders threatened to smash up Gaynor 's camcorder . ’
9 The style of the book is almost cinematic , with images unfolding before the viewer reads the " titles " , as if to bear out Avedon 's remark " I do n't think the West of these portraits is any more conclusive than the West of John Wayne " .
10 In your own life , how do you try to find out God 's will ?
11 Alan confirms that the following formula would be used to work out Peter 's redundancy entitlement as a full-time employee :
12 The central objectives are to establish how Britain 's productivity compares with that of other advanced countries , to elucidate the factors contributing to the differences and to examine policy implications .
13 ‘ Frankly , apart from Antonio Demontis , the terrible brother , who 's being watched , we do n't have any real suspects — though I 'd very much like to know where Piladu 's son and Scano 's boy have got to .
14 They would have had to know where Alex 's gun was in the Green Room , they would have had to run the risk of being observed on the O.P. side of the stage when they committed the murder …
15 If it is n't correct , I would like to know why Engineering 's approval has been withheld , because I have never been given any indication , at any stage , that there were any major problems regarding the project .
16 But galvanised herself in the heat to tease away Lucy 's shirt , work her jeans loose , kneaded her stomach , breathe fire into her breasts .
17 Menotti il Salvatore said si , and started work in Rome , to try to patch up Cresci 's season , with less than two months to put together Lucia .
18 Evelyn desperately wanted to clean up Lizzy 's room for her but Kate had forbidden her to touch it .
19 Enormous efforts are being made by motor and oil industries around the world to clean up diesel 's act and get it in shape to meet the stringent emission standards coming into force before the start of the 21st century .
20 ‘ Have you come to pick up Honecker 's luggage ? ’
21 To pick up David 's point now , if this is the client who 's already running the house , the mortgage , it 's , you know , a few years old , they want to take out a further advance , for some house improvements , or something , then obviously they now need more , so it might be at this stage we then want a P S P for the remaining , you know , ten years , eleven years , twelve years , or whatever , because they 've borrowed some more money from the building society .
22 Tom has to get back tomorrow , so Odd-Knut decides to circle the peak ahead and rejoin our outward trail to pick up Nat 's sledge on the way back .
23 Graeme Fowler and Gatting each scored double centuries in the sweltering heat of the Chepauk Stadium to set up England 's victory in 1985 .
24 When Izzie did not come to fluff out Gabriel 's hair and tie the laces of his shirt before the performance , he thought she must be angry with him and he was sorry .
25 He laughed when I told him our solicitor was trying to sort out Brian 's will and said , ‘ What has he got to leave ? ’
26 In the past China could earn itself plaudits simply by standing aside and not mucking up America 's efforts to sort out Asia 's trouble spots .
27 We asked you to pick out Melvyn 's love scene from five erotic literary extracts .
28 As the Cabinet prepares today to set out Britain 's energy strategy , Frank Frazer looks at the implications for the nuclear industry , sparked by efforts to save coal jobs All aglow for heat of the moment By a curious paradox , the nuclear lobby has a vested interest in ensuring maximum coal burn in UK power plant
29 The shadow Scottish secretary , Tom Clarke , aims to set out Labour 's stall by outlining proposals for a revamped Scottish Constitutional Convention in a speech tomorrow .
30 This afternoon they announced they intend to adjourn tomorrow night 's AGM .
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