Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] i [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was hard put to know what I thought about our guests — I mean since , as well as then .
2 ‘ Then he wanted to know what I thought of young Hilary , ’ said Tom .
3 I lay there trying to square what I heard with the new enthusiasm derived from Edward and Laura , for I 'd left the Lodge around two in the morning , ready to set off with them the next day in search of the horizon .
4 I just wanted to be private , to be able to choose whom I talked to , let alone where and when .
5 Why ca n't I seem to remember what I saw before when I looked at these things …
6 I find it difficult to put what I saw into words .
7 He says : ‘ I simply tried to do what I observed in my career in the straight theatre with some of the finest directors , particularly Peter Brook .
8 Not that I have anything against gas fitters but I do think that to do what I did at 15 takes a bit more courage .
9 I mean sometimes do it very cleverly but what I 'm saying is I want to illustrate what I meant by the words never used message .
10 I felt I was moving through a strange land , on tiptoe , with the woman I was allowed to touch — was allowed to do anything I wanted to , or at least anything I was capable of doing .
11 ‘ The moustache came to symbolise everything I hated about my character and the effect he was having on me and my marriage .
12 You may think that instead of increasing my catch I would have had to share what I caught with a companion .
13 Alfred did not seem to understand what I said to him .
14 I do n't need to tell you to keep what I said to yourself , of course . ’
15 Simultaneously the Mercure de France published in its October issues the letters of-Cézanne to Emile Bernard , including the letter which contains the passage : ‘ Allow me to repeat what I said to you here : deal with nature in terms of the cylinder , the sphere , the cone , all seen in perspective , so that each side of an object or plane is directed towards a central point .
16 I venture to repeat what I said in Powell v McFarlane ( 1977 ) 38 P & CR 452 at 470 – 1 : " Factual possession signifies an appropriate degree of physical control .
17 In a sense this may be thought to contradict what I said in chapter 1 , where the emphasis was on the evident synchroneity of particular deposits , particularly carbonates .
18 Oh w when I first went to place I I had to er I had to clean er clean I had to I was like a scullery maid .
19 And I 'm just trying to think what I had in mind .
20 However , I had failed to see what I looked like in them .
21 and I 've also got one album erm with a few pictures in from when I was in Kenya which was in nineteen eighty four so , you know , if anyone wants to see what I looked like in there I had longer hair and I was wearing a white coat so they 're very welcome .
22 Then they needed to see what I had in the box .
23 And I was fortunate : no one ever stopped me either to ask me for my identity card or to see what I had in my bag .
24 Nothing put me off , I 'm happy to say , but in the years before I got the chance to enjoy what I did for a living , I still had to pay the rent .
25 I 've made a complete fool of myself and I do n't think I can bring myself to ask what I came to . "
26 ‘ You see , ’ he murmured , ‘ I wanted to believe it , so I could have an excuse to take what I wanted in a fury , instead of reaching out of my confusion and asking for what I wanted — ’
27 ‘ I wish I was like you , ’ I said suddenly , still childish enough to speak like this , to say what I meant without recourse to subtlety .
28 Well would you perhaps like to give them a , a ring to , to say what I spoke about today then I 'll give them a ring , say if you could ring them tomorrow then I 'll ring them er er tomorrow evening a as well and then perhaps I can , you know , they , you 've given them the ground work to actually er for me to ring as well and then I can discuss with him and arrange an appointment to go and see him is that okay ?
29 ‘ You were rather mean by the way to tell everyone I spoke to — or was about to speak to — not to talk any more to Scotland Yard .
30 Meh'Lindi , I need to confide what I learned in that conclave … ’
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