Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [vb infin] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 While I have great sympathy for the doctors of twenty years or more ago who did not realise the addictive effect of such tablets when they began to prescribe them , I do not feel equal sympathy for those doctors ( fortunately their number is growing less ) who still hand out similar prescriptions to their patients and then fail to monitor their progress or to help them give up the medication as soon as possible .
2 Your midwife and doctor , though , see many pregnant women , so they need to use all their skills to help them build up a picture of your individual , unique pregnancy .
3 This service gives clubs and organisations the opportunity to invite a speaker from Scottish Nuclear to give a talk and slide presentation to help them find out the true facts about us .
4 In any case , the Dwarfs saw in the savage human tribes potential allies to help them fight the Orcs and , ultimately , to help them win back the lost Dwarf fortresses .
5 And the floodlit night feed is vital to help them fend off the cold .
6 I opted for parsley to help them get over the difference in water and to remove any toxins produced by the parasitic attack , mint as an antiseptic and to encourage them to feed , fennel to help clear out the digestive tract in case of internal parasites ( a very mild air to pumpkin seeds ) and as a mild antiseptic , elderflowers to reduce the fish 's stress , pumpkin seeds to deal with the parasites and to help the skin heal , and garlic — again to deal with the parasites , but also as an antibiotic in case of secondary infection .
7 In the interview , Mr Clark admits meeting British firms in the mid-1980s to help them get round a ban on trade with Iraq 's Saddam Hussein .
8 So I might ask dad to help me put on the roof-rack .
9 They will be able to send you some materials to give you a plan for getting started and to help you think through the two important questions :
10 This could be in the form of simple notes , but a better way is to compile a revised shot list in which the details are given together with other editing information ( eg ‘ delete first six seconds ’ ) to help you set up the edit-points quickly .
11 On alternate days walk at a slower pace to help you build up a regular habit of walking .
12 Use the words and pictures on these pages to help you build up a picture of what happened .
13 To help you draw up a shortlist from the dozens of good new varieties on offer , the accompanying table will help you choose the pick of the bunch .
14 Use a dictionary to help you sort out the problems .
15 We have produced this checklist to help you work out the correct figure .
16 The package is designed to help you work out the best way of controlling your finances over the period of a year .
17 To help you fill out the forms for your cab , so we have your current address .
18 This book is designed to help you cut out the hard work , and instead redirect your energies into formulating a worthwhile , personally relevant and practical route into the kind of nursing which appeals to you or suits you best at this particular stage in your career .
19 Ask a grown-up to help you hollow out the centre of the carrot .
20 I scowled at her and promised Dad that if the Germans had n't been sent packing by Christmas — I would leave the market and join up myself to help him finish off the job .
21 It disturbed him to think of her father perhaps waking to hear him tiptoe down the passage like a shifty thief afraid of discovery .
22 And indeed , it did hold its stout pectoral fins away from the sides of its body , and it was not hard to imagine that had it been vigorous , it could have used them to help it move over the rocky sea floor of its true environment .
23 Free flow : dust your scales with flour when you 're weighing treacle to help it flow off a little more easily .
24 ‘ Hope that you 'll finally understand what I 've been trying to let you know over the past few days without frightening you away by putting it into words .
25 Tweed , who had refused to let her take over the wheel , appeared outwardly to be perfectly relaxed as he stopped and presented the passport in the name of William Sanders .
26 She rolled onto her side to let him pull down the zip of her dress .
27 She stayed where she was , waiting to see him come down the senior run , and her first sight of his black-suited figure made the breath catch in her throat .
28 ‘ I tried to get a £1,000 overdraft from my bank , but they tried to make me take out a lot of loans .
29 Why invent a mystery force that magically knows how hard to pull on everything to make them go round the same path when you could say that everything has to go in that curved path because that is how the space itself is curved ?
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