Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [vb mod] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I never saw one thing she wanted that did not sell , ’ but nonetheless insisted that this undisciplined approach was unacceptable for a customer trying to furnish a house , who might have kept a sample for six weeks only to find she could not reorder the same fabric .
2 If he had n't agreed to appear we could not have raised the cash to make the show . ’
3 When Tim helps clients to decorate they have to accept they will not end up with a ‘ decorated ’ house in the London sense of the word .
4 How much better to engage someone to help who can not claim official credit for himself when the matter is solved . ’
5 The TV commentator was excitedly describing the drama , but although she strained to hear she could not pick out the name of the victim .
6 If the navvies had n't been there to help she 'd not have been found for days . ’
7 This deserves special mention because , on the assumption that various conditions which appear to be satisfied by the return maps are actually satisfied , this attractor is probably the only well understood strange attractor known in a system of " natural " three-dimensional differential equations ; we have strong reasons to suppose that there can be no stable orbits in a relatively large parameter range , as opposed to the normal " chaotic attractors where one merely can not observe them but has no arguments to suggest they can not exist ( they may be of extremely high period or have very complicated basins of attraction see { 8 } ) .
8 THREE more Lloyd 's syndicates , with a combined capacity of £282 million , are poised to announce they can not close their 1989 accounts and will have to ‘ run them off ’ , exposing names to a stream of claims without premiums .
9 THREE more Lloyd 's syndicates , with a combined capacity of £282 million , are poised to announce they can not close their 1989 accounts and will have to ‘ run them off ’ , exposing names to a stream of claims without premiums .
10 The old days of taking on board every issue and then establishing a committee to handle it can not continue .
11 Introducing young people to society and encouraging them to express themselves should not create conflict , as long as there is a co-operative understanding within the family or community .
12 John has found much to do which will not require to be again done in N.S.W. I still hope we may not exceed two years in our absence and I think John is as anxious as myself on the subject .
13 When asked by a government committee what people were to do who could not afford 5s. a week rent for a room , her answer was , ‘ I should have thought that when the cost of living rose the wages must necessarily rise , or something more efficient be done .
14 Therefore , to excise it would not imply any reversal of Britain 's opt-out .
15 There is no efficient safeguard to ensure you will not find such a person loitering in your entrance hall when you come home .
16 People are led to believe they might not get their mail if they use the townland .
17 Yes that does n't exclude but includes all of that , but at the same time although everybody that 's going to read it may not understand the intricacies of it all as professionals we 're giving more than a passing nod , so that was something else , er er and something more involved than English teacher than making them jump through loops
18 Many locals were angry that the pilot and his electronic warfare officer ejected from their crashing plane too soon to ensure it would not hit buildings at Barton Hartshorn , near Buckingham .
19 I , I , I find it difficult to believe he would not have known that .
20 It is no use whatsoever introducing bait at irregular intervals , for the lesson we are trying to teach them will not sink in if we give them time to forget in between each baiting session .
21 My ever difficult told me the other night I needed to change my attitudes and lifestyle and to realise I would not get another job at my age .
22 If he ca n't afford to smoke he should not smoke .
23 First , those who come to the Park to enjoy it can not do so , because of all the traffic .
24 And during that terrible evening by the fireside , when she told him her story , how desperately sad she had been to realize he might not love her any more .
25 I believe he came to see it would not do .
26 And he seems to think I may not get any worse , but we sha n't know for a couple of weeks . ’
27 I was beginning to think I would not see you today .
28 He was beginning to think he could not bear to sell it .
29 Slave lines showed a propensity to innovate ; and in any case Abdulkarim seemed to think it would not matter crucially what his widowed sister 's daughter might do .
30 He was beginning to think it would not have been such a bad thing if he had had an affair with Eleanor .
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