Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [pers pn] do [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It would be interesting to know what she did with all the money he left her . ’
2 Wanted to know what you doing about that , and there 's John , and it was n't my fault !
3 Do you want to know what I done at school today ?
4 ‘ And who 's to know what I do to you out here in the middle of nowhere ? ’
5 She wanted to know what he did with his evenings and was told of occasional visits to the West End now everything in the world of entertainment had opened up once more , but the mess or the local pubs were the usual haunts of his brother officers and himself .
6 They want to know that you know it , and they want to feel confident that if they ask you question you can answer it , but they very much want to know what it does for them and how much it 's going to cost them basically .
7 Should it not be the woman 's right to choose what she does with her body ?
8 He disapproves of bribery : ‘ Children do n't need to be saddled with the nagging aspirations of parents who expect little Johnny to do everything they did plus everything they did n't manage to do . ’
9 People kept saying , ‘ Oh , well , the schools have got to justify everything they do to the public , they 've got to be accountable . ’
10 That you 've got to get on with your thing and get your shopping or whatever it is , done quick to get home to do whatever they do at home .
11 Looking back it is difficult to justify what we did at times .
12 You 'd have to do what we did on the other page .
13 ‘ You do n't want to do what we did on Sunday , do you not , you prim little Victorian ?
14 8. ‘ … are the only organizations that have been able to do what they do at all , even though it might seem that what they do is not that difficult or mysterious a thing ’ .
15 Not that I have anything against gas fitters but I do think that to do what I did at 15 takes a bit more courage .
16 A more sober evaluation by the Latin American Left of the prospects for achieving revolution is reinforced by the recognition that the Soviet Union is not going to do what it did for Cuba for any other Latin American country .
17 ‘ Well , if you 're such a fan of Rainbow 's way of life , why did you try to do what you did to her ?
18 And because I was drunk and ca n't remember anything about my ordeal , does that give him the right to do what he did to me ?
19 Real people with real jobs , not just holidaymakers out to forget what they do for a living . ’
20 Yet its impossible to forget what he did to me .
21 Robbins is wonderfully ambivalent as the ‘ rebel conservative ’ pop star with Washington in his sights , and puts in a performance to match anything he did in The Player .
22 Granny decided to dismount which she did with some difficulty on account of.having to keep her frock pulled down to hide her torn drawers .
23 ‘ I would n't use the word ‘ sacked ’ to describe what we did with Chris .
24 It is strange , therefore , that in this Queen 's Speech the Government say that they intend to introduce a new Local Government Finance Bill to abolish what they did in 1987-88 .
25 Going to London , to Regional Health Authority to attend present petition and to see what they do about the animals petition .
26 They should have been brought back to see what they do in saving more for the government , and all the extra work they 've caused .
27 Check your records to see what you did at that time .
28 Now we 're going to see what he does for the economy , what he does for the underclass , and so on
29 The woman had left the bags and O saw she was walking back to the child , he heard her heels , but O did not stay to see what she did to the child ( and so he did not see her pick the child up in her arms and hold him tight ) ; he turned quickly , and left the station as fast as he could .
30 Nothing put me off , I 'm happy to say , but in the years before I got the chance to enjoy what I did for a living , I still had to pay the rent .
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