Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [prep] such a " in BNC.

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1 We are n't reasonable enough to accommodate ourselves to such a shift in moral attitudes .
2 ‘ I have wanted to meet you for such a long time , ’ she began hesitantly .
3 Which is how she came to find herself in such an embarrassing position .
4 But from those earliest days , she had n't believed in the Church at all ; not one scrap , not one iota , and this was why she 'd been so surprised to discover herself in such a place only the previous morning .
5 Experience may help you take some of these into account but if you went for a fixed fee you may have to pitch it at such a level to allow for these that it 's perhaps twice what it might be and you could lose the client .
6 Um — you would n't happen to know anyone with such a craft ? ’
7 Units which sought to establish themselves outside such a plan would not only not receive public money ; they would also not qualify for any other public benefits .
8 We both know that if you were ever to find yourself in such an influential position , my sister 's inheritance would not long remain her own . ’
9 She had not missed the fact that the coffee-table was piled high with past copies of Query and his arrogant manner was beginning to annoy her to such an extent that she was just about ready to storm off through the door and let Mr Parnham make of it what he could .
10 In a letter to his mother he explained that ‘ seeing God had so often heard his most humble petitions , and had delivered him out of many most eminent dangers of soul and body , and had brought his family out of most desperate calamities , he should now seek to serve Him in such a calling ’ .
11 However , I would argue that it begs the question to phrase it in such a way .
12 To aid her in such a duty Nature has wisely provided her with the sexual appetite slightly developed ’ .
13 " Every question asked requires historical information to be applied : the basic need here is for the candidate to select information which is relevant and to organise it in such a way that it is directed towards answering the specific question asked . "
14 Technically , an assault is either the application of force to the person of another , or the threat to apply it in such a way as to cause the other to fear or apprehend that he is about to be subjected to force .
15 It is difficult to write down a Jimi Hendrix guitar solo and still harder to play it from such a notated version .
16 To abandon them at such a moment implies that they did not , after all , mean so much to the animal — they were not a ‘ safe haven ’ in quite the way they had pictured themselves .
17 This " touched Booth more deeply than any lavish endowment " but lie was loathe for his officer to deny himself for such a long stretch of time .
18 Er in fact it was put to me as as an option by Superintendent that this could be , if this could be done er at the time er if I recall one of the reasons erm that we were n't able to do it in such a way was that there are numerous exits to the block of flats and each exit would have had to be covered by at least two armed officers we only only had in the region of twenty five officers available to us at that time in the police who were authorised to be armed and to maintain such a surveillance , erm not only would be very costly in the terms of the number of officers .
19 ‘ Maybe that is true , but I ca n't see how it will deter a side which has superior scrummaging from trying to use it in such a situation ’ , said Ken Rowlands , the WRU director of refereeing .
20 Of course , to write this sort of book you will need to be able to put yourself into such a central character 's mind .
21 And while other girls in a similar position might dream of actually being in his arms one day , Belinda was far too level-headed to fool herself in such a way .
22 Private shareholders in Concorde would have required a high expected return to entice them into such a risky project .
23 The head of the task force , hydrologist John Verhoeven , warned that " there is nothing to fight it over such a vast range . "
24 At the same time Diana did not want her friends to see her in such a wretched , unhappy state .
25 It is of course very difficult for us to reconcile ourselves to such a perspective .
26 She had managed to squeeze herself into such a small space in the saddle that there was practically room left for two men .
27 Dr Neil — she could not think of him as Neil — was careful to hold her in such a way that she felt no restraint , although his own self-control was slowly beginning to slip .
28 She was n't used to expressing such volatility in front of anyone , and it confounded her how a total stranger , and a man she disliked into the bargain , was able to stir her to such an extent .
29 Although housework is work they say , we would have to turn the ideology of our culture on its head to analyse it in such a manner .
30 The ideological demand that communists should seek to improve the accommodation of the people was subordinate to the aspiration to house them in such a way as to make it easier to supervise them and mould them as the Party saw fit .
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