Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 " I am simply making conversation while I decide whether to risk my job by telling you things that I certainly ought not to tell you . "
2 After 32 years I continue to enjoy my Medau by doing three classes a week — with Myrtle Mott at Plumstead , with Elsie Streek at Alderwood School and with Bridget at Sidcup and I must say that this form of movement has given me a great deal of pleasure so LONG LIVE MEDAU .
3 I decided to minimize my presence by standing in the shadows much further away from table than I might usually have done .
4 As one would expect , the composition of precious metal artefacts has always been heavily influenced by economic factors and it became common practice to modify their value by alloying them with baser metals .
5 Nevertheless , this particular Conservative administration did offer social policies which were designed both to indicate its commitment to dealing with social problems and to undermine the challenge of Labour .
6 ‘ She ought to try her hand at decorating china some time . ’
7 The Social Democrat and Labour Parties of western Europe were able to establish their respectability by emphasising their distance from the communists .
8 Professional women in particular need to establish their career before having children ; a disproportionate number of mothers aged over 30 are in social class I or II .
9 By the time Eric Newby and Paul Theroux travelled on the Trans-Siberian , many of the station-masters were women , who seemed to establish their authority by dispatching trains in the traditional manner .
10 Cuba 's deteriorating economic position and increasing diplomatic isolation in the wake of changes in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe resulted in the declaration on Sept. 28 , 1990 , of a " special period in peacetime " , with the PCC taking steps to consolidate its position by curtailing bureaucracy and combating corruption .
11 Reliance on monetarism rather than incomes policy meant that the government no longer had to compromise its authority in making social contracts and wages policies with producer groups , particularly the unions .
12 In general multinationals will be on the defensive , and they will seek to minimize their risk by continuing to negotiate management and royalty contracts which guarantee a minimum income .
13 The Noble Land Bank established in 1885 became the source of low-interest loans to rescue insolvent estates and encourage landlords to secure their future by investing in and improving their land .
14 Some people may wish to try their luck in using part of the capital value of their benefits to finance a business venture .
15 THE public are being invited to try their hand at sailing by the Llyn Brenig Sailing Club on Sunday , starting at 11.30am .
16 There are other outlets , if you want to learn the media game , in terms of speech and view , as it were , hospital radio , I do n't know whether you have any hospitals in your region but increasingly hospital radio offers an opportunity and a challenge , and welcomes people who would like to try their hand at becoming sort of D.J.s , or features editors , or are prepared to talk interestingly about subjects , and this you would only know from a local point of view .
17 The program also comes with a host mode for any budding ‘ Sysops ’ who wish to try their hand at running a BBS .
18 The program also comes with a host mode for any budding ‘ Sysops ’ who wish to try their hand at running a BBS .
19 Every individual has to find her way of tapping and using her creative resources , whether her daily environment is a home or an office .
20 It urged the government to recognize further sites to meet its commitment to protecting Britain 's wetlands .
21 Friends of the Earth are claiming that a survey of local authority recycling schemes proves that , without changes in policy , the government will fail to meet its target of recycling 25 per cent of domestic waste by the year 2000 .
22 The figures thus cast doubt on the government 's ability to meet its target of stabilizing emissions at 1990 levels by the year 2000 .
23 Whatever happens , the government will not be able to meet its target of introducing eco-labelling by the end of 1991 — the target date set in the Environmental Protection Bill .
24 The important point to remember is that all the sub-units are needed if the production function is to meet its aim of providing the goods required by its customers , and to do so in a way that meets the profit , growth and other objectives of the organization as a whole .
25 It is too much work : or , more precisely , too much time spent by too many people on work of a kind which contributes insufficiently to their fulfilment and which may tend to diminish their capacity for fulfilling themselves , too much soul-destroying toil or boredom .
26 Fran turned away , trying to hide her shock at seeing Harry Martin here .
27 He rose to his feet , making it clear the question was rhetorical , as Gina , feeling as humiliated as if he had actually slapped her face , tried to hide her chagrin by swallowing the remains of her coffee .
28 Nevertheless , whilst a joint campaign with the Communist Party and other political organizations was entirely out of the question , the Labour leadership felt compelled to adjust its policy with regard to Spain .
29 Any extra load on the tail will help to increase its resistance to moving sideways and so help prevent a serious swing .
30 He does intend to increase its flexibility by modifying internal partitions , thus improving on the ‘ outdated concepts of the Sixties and Seventies ’ .
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