Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I tried to lose my self in you as well .
2 Little hand cutters are OK , I tend to lose my temper with them , but pro-type jigs will give a much neater result .
3 Little hand cutters are OK , I tend to lose my temper with them , but pro-type jigs will give a much neater result .
4 I began to repent my parting with you .
5 It took me about ten days to work my way into it , after that I found it very acceptable .
6 Reason enough for me to try my luck with her . ’
7 If a woman allows the Great Mother her dues — to establish her presence within her — she will make the transition into new or renewed motherhood more easily .
8 Mum , who was an intelligent woman , resented being stuck at home with two young kids , and used to vent her frustration on me and Jack .
9 This will help to concentrate its attention on you .
10 Getting to the Health Centre was a tedious business involving a bus and a clanking ride for a few stops on the underground and Erika was glad to find her way to it , jammed among the usual blocks of flats , although at that time of night they had rather a festive air with every window lighted .
11 Aunt Louise 's eyes were over-bright and she tried to pass her hand across them as if to brush away a cobweb .
12 His arms around her , he began so gently that although McAllister was already feeling stifled , and the fear of men which had beset her for so long had begun to tighten its grip on her , she not only allowed him to kiss and fondle her face and neck , but let him undo her hair , so that it tumbled about her shoulders , as magnificent in its abandon as he had imagined it in the long nights when he had been unable to sleep .
13 On the verge of passing out , she felt them connect her bluetower to the memorizer and Jezrael drowned in someone else 's memories , the battle-plans and layouts bulling their way in to trample her personality beneath them .
14 She blinked and tried to hide her longing for him .
15 She wriggled up , away , trying to hide her nakedness from him , groping for her clothes , avoiding his look , his touch .
16 to work their way through it , along with the Choices there is a vi a video to go
17 This is not to say that trade unions are not concerned about casual workers in the hotel and catering industry ; they very much are and are very keen to Increase their membership amongst them .
18 Thus , in its first two years , the government 's reputation slumped sharply ; Mrs Thatcher 's ability to impose her personality upon it suffered accordingly .
19 He had been wakeful all night , gnawing over and over the tangle of his doubts and fears , and unable to worry his way through them to any certain hope .
20 The absence of politeness moves might , in other circumstances , be regarded simply as evidence of a narrowing in the social distance , but here , because of recent negative statements Anderson has made to others about McKendrick ( notably his invitation to Broadbent in scene ten , " Go ahead and clout him if you like " ( p. 83 ) ) , we are more likely to infer his contempt for him .
21 If he had kissed her with passion or some brutal demand to impose his will on her then she could have found the strength to fight him , but there was no way she could resist this aching tenderness , this joining that made them one whole .
22 As his father approached , Richard retreated steadily , never once daring to stand his ground against him .
23 Obviously you 're annoyed about that letter you received — but that does n't give you the right to vent your spleen on me .
24 And as the weeks passed , she often met d'Urberville in the garden and began to lose her shyness of him .
25 He behaved in a pleasant , friendly manner towards her , and she began to lose her fear of him .
26 Lilliputians soon began to lose their fear of me .
27 We persuaded rich people to invest their money with us , we used stolen banknotes , we wrote false cheques .
28 And then her programme of treatment started , and the idea seemed to lose its importance to her .
29 But I forced myself to write it all down and , as I wrote it , it began to lose its power over me .
30 She is compelled to preserve her image of them , and has difficulty abandoning anyone because of her own vulnerability .
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