Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 It was over a year before Charlotte was allowed to take her charge , a little boy called Edward , home with her to meet her family on her day off .
2 The woman had not bothered to pull her veil across her face .
3 For some years her vision had only enabled her to find her way about her house : she could not read and could scarcely see her television .
4 Ruth wanted to hide her face in her hands .
5 The twitching grew , a bubble of laughter burgeoning inside her , and she began to giggle , trying desperately to hide her mouth with her hand .
6 In order to incite her husband against her stepson , Sigistrix , she claimed that the prince intended to kill his father , to take over Burgundy and subsequently Italy .
7 As they walked to the car , Nicky tried to slip his arm around her waist .
8 She had him standing between her thighs , and he had only to position his rod at her welcoming portals to be inside her .
9 Nothing that would lead me to inform your firm of her passing . ’
10 Although insistent scolding , nagging and criticizing may be counter-productive , the effects of a really loud , convincing ‘ No ! ’ — the kind of short , sharp verbal ‘ shock ’ which a mother can produce when she sees her child about to poke her finger into her baby brother 's eye — may well be highly successful .
11 Perhaps she had been too old for parenthood , and then it was very sad for a girl to lose her father in her teens .
12 Not the kind of character to wear her heart on her sleeve .
13 Kelly managed to turn her head in time for his kiss to miss its target on her lips .
14 She finally emerged from the water to see her friend with her bikini-top around her neck and the bottom dangling from one ankle .
15 Soon nothing in the world existed but the heat of their bodies and the fiery threads that seemed to connect her skin to her innermost core .
16 Finding accommodation in London is difficult in any circumstances , and this couple happen to be Australians who do n't intend to stay permanently , but are anxious to see their daughter through her physiotherapy training here , and take her back with them afterwards .
17 She is called Josie ; she used to visit my flat with her boyfriend , to stage violent , public rows .
18 Instead , I directed Posi to pinpoint my position with her ceptors , then to access — discreetly , for it was probably illegal — Vadinamia 's central data store to find the nearest opening to the interior .
19 But she 's been approached by the gutter press to sell her story of her life with me and I 've had to intercept certain envelopes that have been sent in .
20 Then he gently eased her arms down , and with infinite patience began to stroke her nightdress from her body .
21 She reflected that if Time had needed to deposit its flotsam on her doorstep , could it not have taken the form of a steady young man who caught the 5.30 train home each evening , and played cricket at the weekends ?
22 McLeish , naturally efficient and brought up by a mother with firm views on men 's participation in the drearier household chores , took just over an hour to sort her kitchen to her satisfaction while she got the living-room straight , with all the books unpacked .
23 as if to lure her husband into a false sense of security , she pretended in the following year that she had gone to America and had hired a secretary , called Daisy Miller , to answer her correspondence in her absence : but she herself was Daisy Miller .
24 Happy , smiling , confident , she had cheerfully tucked a stray strand of her long pale gold hair behind her ear as she waited for her sister to answer her ring at her doorbell .
25 Sheldon had become much attached to her during his time at the Lock Hospital and it is said that she asked him to embalm her body after her death , which he did .
26 As Juliet intended to visit her mother during her split shift , there was no point in going home .
27 Although each mother does her best to restrict her milk to her own young when she visits the nursery , the other babies who surround her when she arrives are so importunate that this is not easy .
28 There was the pure and unalloyed joy of reaching down to cup his passion between her hands , and of feeling a tremor go through him …
29 She will be able to give you a great deal too , if you are prepared to open your mind to her memories and experience of life , realising the significance of her ‘ past ’ to your ‘ present ’ ; and when you understand that the old are by no means always on the receiving end of their relationships , then you are ready to assemble the love , time , patience and energy you have to offer , and decide on the best way of presenting them .
30 A point deep inside the joint is skilfully selected and the pain grows so fast I have to tear my arm from her hands .
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