Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [adv] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The old and lonely are very vulnerable , and if you have sounded detached , preoccupied , or hurried during the conversation they can easily feel hurt and rejected ; and that hurt can be like an emotional graze that will remain painful until you are able to see them again and heal it .
2 It 's quite well it 's fun because I you know the people and you see them once or twice a year and it 's it 's nice to see them back and talk
3 It is also claimed that there has been a great deal of harassment of Serbs and Montenegrins by Albanian nationalists , who hope to drive them out and establish an ‘ ethnically pure ’ Kosovo .
4 It took several minutes to gather them back and put them under starter 's orders .
5 You may not wish to write them all but imagine them nevertheless and draft out the pattern of the story .
6 The safety gates have made a big difference , since I 've gotten them erm I 've got peace of mind for the stairs and I can answer the phone and I have n't got to like keep trying to pull them downstairs and do do different things .
7 He probably wanted to pull them down and re-develop the site .
8 have to pass them round and mark them instantly then start the next section .
9 Erm if if they are useful I will ask him to box them up and send them .
10 You may need to spell them out or check that they have been understood .
11 We 've just got to pull ourselves together and stick together and we can pull out of this .
12 He twisted to shield himself , tried to pull himself round and use that big machine-gun he had carried for so long .
13 When I got home I said , ‘ They ought to know you better than think you would marry a prostitute . ‘
14 After a moment or two to pull herself together and wash her face , she went back through the bedroom , her stomach heaving again when she saw the crumpled disorder of the bed .
15 Mr. Robert Hughes : If the Minister will say that , once all the companies have been sold he will publish the individual price , I at least will be willing to meet him halfway and accept that .
16 Police said : ‘ We were told to find her quickly and tell her to lie still on the floor . ’
17 had to shake him up And make the fancy take him
18 ‘ To just past Spargo 's ; I could n't raise the nerve to catch him up and speak to him .
19 ‘ It 's been a lifelong ambition of mine to beat him but at the big jump before Ballyboley Corner , Joey whizzed past me and although I tried to catch him again and take a tight line at Ballyboley he had just too much experience and he held on to beat me .
20 I had to pull her on and cuddle her into me to keep her warm . ’
21 If it 's not written down I do n't know when they 've had or what they 've had , you 'll have to write it down and put a date on it .
22 Anyone acting out of character worried her in this way , until she had had a silent time alone , to work it out and grow used to the change .
23 You have to pull it down or leave it down all the time because you always have to leave the light on there anyway
24 The loop will now be round the person 's body and all you have to do is to pull it down and ask the volunteer to step out of it .
25 He bent to get a closer look at one drawing that had been fixed lower than the others , as if the teacher had somehow tried to segregate it off and pretend that it was n't part of the display .
26 So would it be possible , once the mobile switched channels , to find it again and carry on taping ?
27 Give the children a simple message and ask them to pass it along and see what it becomes at the end .
28 Over coffee back at the office I tried to pull myself together and sell him a traded option in copper which would , as it turned out , have made him quite a lot of money .
29 It was nice to meet your properly and get to know the others a bit better .
30 She gave us much rein to pull in any direction , but never failed to pull us up and say , in effect , ‘ what the hell are you up to ? ’ or ‘ stop that carry-on at once ! ’
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