Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [noun] in [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But first the Louisville-based company — part of Courtaulds Coatings Inc — has to train its salesmen in how best to handle the product .
2 Were you able to find your way in easily ?
3 Equally , the UK was bound to lose its leadership in relatively simple labour-intensive industries like textiles ; this is the most widely spread industry in the world ( Dicken , 1986 ) , and a vital element of Third World employment .
4 So though modem research has tended to discredit the idea of a medieval aristocracy ‘ of service ’ , to insist on blue blood for the great lines of the tenth and eleventh centuries , and to see in the later eleventh and the twelfth centuries an ever-sharper patrilineal descent obliterating other considerations in family history , it should not be forgotten that at least one great princely house was encouraged to view its progress in quite other terms .
5 Ideally you should review this action list daily and never let a day pass without doing something to progress your priorities in even a minor way .
6 Such changes enabled junior partners to be taken on without initial capital contributions and to buy their way in effectively through restrictions on their drawings .
7 French and German graduates are asked to use their skills in more appropriate ways than British graduates .
8 This latter group of people will inevitably form the great majority , and it is mainly they who will provide the justification for the establishment of a clergy for the ‘ Alternative Religion ’ , and it is they who will prefer to put their faith in carefully chosen leaders , possibly elected from among the others , and on whom they can call for guidance .
9 To put her claim in drastically simplified terms , men base decisions on a form of blind justice : abstract , depersonalised reasoning procedures which apply the same rules in the same way to every case .
10 And he hopes to retain his place in tomorrow 's Premier League meeting with Middlesbrough ahead of Bruce Grobbelaar and David James .
11 He had come to doubt the value of all new beginnings and to put his trust in not much more than the art of hanging together .
12 You need an empty picture frame big enough for a child to put his head in comfortably .
13 my uncle 's gone oh fuck off like this and he started to put his fork in again and we goes , my dad goes well that look distinctly like a three inch mortar shell so I would n't put any more in there if , I would n't put your fucking fork 's in there again if I was you , they had to get the bomb squad out , they diffused it , they found about five fucking mortar bombs
14 You 'll never be able to put his hand in here !
15 THE spokesman for the convicts in a squeaky-clean Danish jail says he will vote No : he fears he may be sent to do his sentence in less salubrious surroundings elsewhere in the European Community if the Maastricht treaty is ratified .
16 You 're not supposed to leave your key in anyway .
17 Not simply because we also want to put our bid in straightaway for the airport money which is er contrary to opinion
18 We do n't want to keep them prisoners in here , you know . ’
19 And er I used to keep my bike in there .
20 Other life insurers sought to increase their distribution networks , either increasing their branches or their personnel in a variety of ways in order to market their products in increasingly competitive environments .
21 An odd couple by any standards , Ballykelly bomber Anna Moore and loyalist killer Bobby Corry have chosen to seal their union in equally odd fashion at Magheraberry prison .
22 For unemployed people the free time becomes rather like an empty desert with very , very few oases , and one of the results of our research was to find that , well first of all that unemployed people tend to describe their time in very negative ways , as being empty , as having nothing to do , little activity and so on in it .
23 Back-up has been provided by social work and community education staff and the Forum now has an urban-aid grant to provide staffing to assist its work in especially deprived areas .
24 It is in essence a theological position which has already decided in advance that the Bible is the pure undistilled fountain of God 's clear revelation and that to doubt its veracity in just one particular is to bring the entire edifice to the ground .
25 This evolved into the unforgettable Dalek grating once voice artists Peter Hawkins and David Graham agreed to deliver their lines in very flat tones , clipping the consonants and lengthening the vowels .
26 It was very advantageous for Edward to have his brother in so central a position , adjacent to the Capetian demesne .
27 To get your name in here , you need to be master of the easy epithet , king of the cutting adjective .
28 ‘ Oh — well , I suppose I 'll have to spend my time in just looking round the place . ’
29 I like to take my pleasures in more congenial surroundings , cara .
30 The countryside has been buried under layers of concrete to facilitate its movement in ever greater numbers .
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