Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [noun] [conj] have " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Coles expressed great regret when she parted with Mary , continued to provide her clothes and had her back to stay for the Christmas holidays .
2 Last week he asked us to bring our experts along from Leicestershire to meet his experts and have a discussion .
3 It will also give him a chance to recharge his batteries and have a look at where he is going next . ’
4 She had clearly been about to lose her temper but had controlled herself .
5 The Extraditables subsequently claimed that they had decided to spare her life but had been unable to prevent her murder from being carried out .
6 So there 's no water shortage as such , sometimes you get the water problems when you get out in the sticks somewhere you 'll , you , you do have problems , but all fire officers are trained to search their areas and have special cards er which they 've done their research on , where the water supplies are , like ponds and lakes and so on , and that information is readily available when they turn out these areas so that a fire crew going out there , your nearest water supply is a pond at and certain area and they 've got that you see .
7 One or two back benchers had had the temerity to chance their arms and had been severely dealt with .
8 Following a recent demonstration at the City stockbroking firm James Capel ( where water companies ' finance is influenced ) , the SAS is now buying shares in the British water companies in order to attend their AGMs and have a say .
9 political legitimacy — the right of a political community to treat its members as having obligations in virtue of collective community decisions — is to be found not in the hard terrain of contracts or duties of justice or obligations of fair play that might hold among strangers , where philosophers have hoped to find it , but in the more fertile ground of fraternity , community , and their attendant obligations .
10 In the rural areas , lack of access to land , drought ( which has not only destroyed crops but has meant that impoverished people have had to sell their livestock and have even been forced off the land by hardship ) , and rising prices have further marginalized poor rural dwellers .
11 These purchase notice provisions are restricted to owner occupiers of houses and small businesses who can show that they have made reasonable attempts to sell their property but have found it impossible to do so except at a substantially depreciated price because of certain defined planning actions .
12 He has yet to receive his cheque but has received a letter from BR 's legal department to say it is on its way .
13 Harry Andrews , who was also in their scenes , told me , ‘ Trevor was quite sickened by the sum Brando was being paid , especially as Brando could n't seem to remember his lines and had to read his dialogue off boards . ’
14 The ripstop nylon has to be cut and sewn if we are going to reach our goal and have a kite to fly .
15 Tamazapam to help her sleep and has no problems with that , fair enough !
16 Leapor 's poetry makes clear that she suffered many distressing lectures from her father , yet if the poet and her father had reached an understanding , indeed , if they intended to use the money from the subscription to buy their freehold and have security for their life together , Landry 's interpretation of this episode is simply captious .
17 They are always hitching up underpants , scratching away happily at unspeakable things in their breeches and , with one finger , boldly trying to free their underpants that have become lodged somewhere dark and irretrievable that we can only guess at .
18 There was no doubt that Derbyshire would have preferred to re-register Mohammad Azharuddin this summer , to give the Trinidadian further time to recuperate , but Bishop insisted on returning to fulfil his contract and has fully justified his claim of full fitness with bowling of the highest calibre .
19 If it is actionable to use unlawful means to drive away C 's prospective customers why should it not equally be actionable to use such means against a person who proposes to buy his house but has not yet signed a contract to do so ?
20 These people are not ‘ different ’ — they are the same as you and I , except that they have lost the ability to use their legs and have to rely on a wheelchair to get about .
21 The woman had earlier been refused permission to see her lover , a ’ life partner ’ , as the catholic hospital refused to recognise their relationship as having ’ family status ’ .
22 Though since to find an alternative word was n't going to alter matters at all by the look of it , Fabia began to wonder if perhaps Vendelin Gajdusek was coming back from Prague today to keep his appointment but had been delayed for some reason or another .
23 I ask the Minister to consider what impact that has on innocent people and their families .
24 She is still agile but is unable to control her bladder and has anaemia and a recurring chest problem .
25 One evening I went to fetch Joe from the village pub , where my sister sometimes allowed him to smoke his pipe and have a beer .
26 As it turns out , his crime is an ambiguous one and , in any event , his actions are determined by a family curse : his father had wanted to kill his mother but had been dissuaded from doing so .
27 The gold was very fine , and , when minted , affected the currency : the Company issued a guinea coin to pay its dividends and had it specially stamped with an elephant to show that it came from Africa .
28 Turning from the attractions of the Scotch whisky industry , can the Minister give us more information about the important regulatory aspects of getting companies which sub-contract to the Ministry of Defence to pay their bills or have them paid quickly ?
29 And one player admitted : ‘ If the fans feel strongly enough about something , they are entitled to pay their money and have their say .
30 The majority of the Parish Council see no reason for the planning authority to alter their decision and have asked me to re-state the comments made in my letter of 18 November 1991 ( Ref WBCP/22/1811 ) .
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