Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] [noun sg] it [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sure , ’ he said , ‘ I think to preserve the rainforest it would be better to begin in the Andes .
2 If they are not motivated to implement the programme it will not run effectively .
3 Saturation coverage of three-and-a-half weeks of intense campaigning may have given way to non-stop reports of a complicated new chess game — as each main party , neither with an overall majority , manoeuvres to secure the support it will need to form the next Government .
4 Britain can not be thrown out of the EC , but if it fails to pass the bill it would be left behind as the others speed towards greater political and economic unity .
5 To establish a collection it will be necessary to research the holdings of a number of galleries , museums and libraries .
6 On the geographical point , if a party is to secure a seat it must have the best part of a quota of votes after transfers at the end of the count .
7 To activate the stylus it must be pressed down so the microswitch in the tip makes contact , the on-screen cursor now follows the motions of the stylus round the grid .
8 If you have formally nominated someone to receive the benefit it will go to that person .
9 My master , preoccupied with Hopkins 's riddle drew me into discussion about its meaning , only to reach the conclusion it would tell us nothing until we had reached Glastonbury or Templecombe .
10 Of course , if a museum wants to purchase a work it can ask for donations from banks , industries and other institutions .
11 Most of the shots in this collection , however , were taken at first light including those of which Nigel is most proud : ‘ If I have to choose a favourite it would be the photograph of Bryce Canyon in Utah .
12 Most of the shots in this collection , however , were taken at first light including those of which Nigel is most proud : ‘ If I have to choose a favourite it would be the photograph of Bryce Canyon in Utah .
13 The Officers are about to do a new review , and a the moment all costs of erm residents ' parking is borne centrally , and we the Conservatives think that if erm there was a charge on permits to cover the cost it would give a change to other areas of the City , and the majority of people would be prepared erm to pay , and I think this is coming up in the Officer 's Review .
14 The National Executive Committee may , if it deems it necessary in the interests of the Labour Party , advise the Executive Committee of this party to select a nomination it may submit to it .
15 Mostly , these were people in lower socio-economic groups ; but it is worth noting that even in these groups people with high credit commitments , or people who said that if they had to arrange a loan it would be for a relatively large sum of money , generally said they would prefer monthly repayments .
16 Hell , if ye know how to use the stuff it can dae ye a power of good .
17 If Harwell succeeds in encouraging clients to use the centre it should see existing technology used for new purposes and keep the banks happy .
18 There is no compulsive power in this amendment , nor will supporting legislation contain any obligation on those who do not wish to do so to use the mechanism it will set up .
19 When attempting to communicate in the absence of adequate structure , care should be taken to learn enough about any differentiation to be able to predict the effect it will have and make allowance for it .
20 Each time he 'd get to the line about going to stoke the brazier it would come out as ‘ stoke the brassiere ’ , which of course stopped everything dead and brought the Director screaming down on us .
21 Like PageMaker it lacks the sophisticated text entry and manipulation tools necessary to generate the material it will process but , unlike PageMaker , once it has that material it can produce documents virtually automatically .
22 To do the job it will use the Motif toolkit — not Destiny 's Moolit .
23 Tony Willis said : ‘ If I was going to leave a message it would be ‘ people management ’ .
24 Little by little , however , MacDonald and his closest colleagues became convinced that if they were given the opportunity to form a Government it would be folly to turn it down .
25 ‘ Why are you here ? ’ she demanded , ignoring the query and deciding that , from now on , if anyone was to conduct an interrogation it would be her .
26 If it is possible , within budgets , to amend the film it will do so .
27 Care was thus taken to ensure that the sequence of sentences was now completely random ; even if any particular combination happened to match the original it would have been entirely due to chance .
28 In order for a planet to possess a magnetosphere it need not have an internal magnetic dipole moment .
29 They are in an excellent position to judge the effect it will have on customers , many of them the least advantaged in our community .
30 Budd reckons it was a ’ monumental success ’ , allowing the company to develop a fully-computerised design and manufacturing system essential to future competitiveness not to mention the money it will make on the Thunderbird contract itself .
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