Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , Napier-Bell flew out to Dublin to court the band and immediately launched a speech enthusing wildly about how much he liked ‘ both ’ the Inspirals albums .
2 [ That this House regrets the Government 's failure to deal with the imminent threat of wholesale breaches of the law on Sunday trading ; expresses concern that Ministers appear to be running away from their responsibility to uphold the law as soon as one or more large commercial organisations express their intention to ignore the law ; greatly regrets the way that this situation puts pressure on responsible and law-abiding retailers to open on Sundays simply to protect their market share ; further regrets the damage that is likely to be done to small shops and family businesses as a consequence ; considers that sensible progress to modernising the law should be made on the basis of the REST proposals put forward by Keep Sunday Special ; and calls on the Government actively to pursue the regulation of Sunday trading in a way which deals fairly with employees , their families and with community and commercial interests . ]
3 Yet his ambition gets the better of him in Act 1 Scene 5 where Malcolm is named Prince of Cumberland and he realises he has to stop Malcolm and also decides to kill the king and not leave the kingship to fate .
4 The commission later decided to restore the seat and today its interim report said : ‘ At present the Commission is not minded to recommend a reduction in the total number of constituencies in Scotland from 72 to 71 . ’
5 The final communiqué reported the decision to establish an observation committee to monitor the cease-fire as well as the forthcoming elections .
6 It is an Army Town and we were its children , destined , if unlucky , to go the way that nearly 2,000 of its children did years before and would do again .
7 The introduction of the five-point try was announced in Wellington , New Zealand , yesterday by rugby union 's International Board , which has made a series of sweeping rule changes in an attempt to quicken the flow and generally brighten up the game .
8 In a move variously described as ‘ ghoulish ’ , ‘ Machiavellian ’ and ‘ sick ’ , Mr Creed , it was alleged , had orchestrated this posthumous resignation , instructing expert embalmers to preserve the corpse and even arranging a photo session two days after Sir Charles 's death ( Sir Charles 's lifeless arm around Mr Creed 's shoulders ) so a picture could be released to the press along with a transcript of the letter of resignation .
9 This happens when water leaches out the salt used to preserve the leather or when leather comes into contact with sea water or salt used to grit the roads .
10 He 's there to enforce the law as well as serve the local community .
11 233 seems to be that if a wife signs a security document at her debtor husband 's request , the creditor will be unable to enforce the security unless either the debtor or the creditor has taken positive steps to try and ensure that the wife understands the import of the security documents or unless she has obtained independent advice .
12 Personally , I would like to have seen him play Karpov but that seems destined to remain the match that never was .
13 She wanted to learn the new domestic geography as soon as she could , to find out what lay behind all the doors and how to light the stove and whereabouts the dog slept .
14 That was unthinkable to the British generals , even though Napoleon III made it clear to Lord Palmerston that he did not intend to usurp the command and so the problem would not arise .
15 On the strength of this scanty victory ( 23,000 votes , i.e. 28 per cent of the total number cast ) this largely unknown candidate was now treated by the media as ‘ the front runner ’ and ‘ the man to beat ’ , allowing him to gather the momentum that finally brought him the Democratic nomination .
16 By presenting this vision the artist hopes to reveal a different perspective and to enrich the viewer as well as herself ’ .
17 However in seeking to prove the existence of ‘ authority ’ for such an idea , care should be taken not to dilute the concept and hence to reduce its utility .
18 However , local farmers found themselves unable effectively to combat the pollution or even to extract adequate damages from the company .
19 To appreciate this was to see the problem as ultimately a problem of living , and as uniquely relevant to a recently unified and politically ascendant Germany .
20 But it would be wrong , at least at the secondary level , to see the fragmentation as somehow the fault of narrow , self-interested teachers .
21 Neither is it acceptable to see the state as entirely dependent on monopoly capital as some Marxists still suggest .
22 So , then , I decided it was better to see the finish than not to finish at all . ’
23 Familiar with Scholl , but inclined to see the brand as very problem-specific , and also as a bit old-fashioned .
24 you see and ther I su I suppose there was about ten or a dozen girls behind the counter because it was early and late turn for them because you see we were open , you see , until ten o'clock at night , you see , and er then , well , anyway , after that erm I heard about this job going as Assistant Manageress at Cambridge and er so I applied and the Manager said to me , I thought well I 'll be here ten years , erm I can be here until I 'm you know , donkeys years and er so he said well look you may not get a job because he said that another girl coming from Norwich to go to Cambridge to see the Manager as well as you and so you might not get it , she might get it , and , however , I went and er I , I met the Manager and the Manageress in the front office , the Manager 's office and we all had a chat but I did n't see the girl from Norwich , she must have gone some other day and anyway I got the job , you see , and er , and so I went to Cambridge as Assistant Manageress and I very well and I got to know all kinds of people , all nationalities being a university city .
25 Attitudes towards rape thus get confused with ideas about the sexual desirability of women , which can lead some policemen to see the victim as partly responsible .
26 Because it is ground offensive in sand , you want to be able to see that if you 're being shot , we could n't we could n't do that , and it became questionable whether we were actually going to be able to see the ground or not , so we called it aboard .
27 The most common defence against feeling for hospital doctors is to see the symptom but not the patient .
28 Alongside that , regional and social variation in the language in our own day is only fully understandable when we come to see the language as also varying in the temporal , historical dimension .
29 Until comparatively recently this hope looked greatly at odds with the realities of international law which was prepared to acknowledge the sovereignty and hence the legality of states whose boundaries or existence are the result of force , uphold treaties imposed by coercion , and in general allow that war is an international sphere .
30 It is probably best to acknowledge the barrier and so seek to make it into part of the perceptual bubble .
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