Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] the [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 Why was it everyone seemed to go for the easy way out ?
2 Of course I 'm sorry , for some strange reason I thought we were going that way , I 've got to go through the other way have n't I ?
3 But on the other hand it 's just another part of the learning curve that these lads are having to go through the hard way — in international rugby rather than before they reach that level .
4 Different horses communicate in different ways , although those that live together or are of the same family are more likely to communicate in the same way .
5 A feeling began to emerge that the advantages of the new approach might be long- rather than short-term , but the dichotomy between wanting to work in the new way because of its potential advantages and ‘ Are we ever going to get the syllabus done ? ’ continued to be problematic .
6 The women go out to work in the same way as other women , but know that their main priority in life is to care for their families .
7 It would be easier to convince senior managers that Unix is a viable platform if all systems were seen to work in the same way , regardless of what was underneath .
8 However , the one thing that instantly distinguished PageMaker from the rest was the fact that it had been designed to work in the same way as a traditional paste-up table .
9 As the genes in question appear to work in the same way in mice and people it should be possible to develop ways of detecting the genes in people at risk and discovering methods of implanting cells with the normal genes or blocking the action of the defective genes .
10 ‘ I have three children and even though I do not have a job at present , they will never have to suffer in the same way as the children of Somalia . ’
11 Expect the UK to succumb in the same way , then watch the band set their sights on America .
12 With the help of the ESRC , the Yorkshire Dales National Park hope to transform countryside interpretation into an active and creative means of bringing landowners , policymakers and the public together to work on the best way to manage one of the great scenic treasures of northern England , yet maintain a healthy rural economy .
13 At eleven thirty he was called into James Cadogan 's office to talk about the best way to handle their latest commission .
14 Parliament , of course , is not limited to the enactment of laws where there is a prior obligation on the subjects to behave in the required way .
15 Perhaps because horses are relatively large , and therefore hard to ignore , people tend to behave in the same way in the presence of a horse .
16 How can he have the nerve to stand there calm and composed and expect me to behave in the same way ? she thought angrily .
17 Thus under certain conditions we can expect A* to behave in the same way as breadth-first search .
18 Fundamentally however , all objects such as ‘ chapters ’ , ‘ sections ’ , ‘ entries ’ , ‘ acts ’ and ‘ scenes ’ , ‘ cantos ’ etc. seem to behave in the same way : they are incomplete in themselves , and often nest hierarchically .
19 I would like you to watch me interview him ’ — immediately lets the class off the hook of having to participate in the normal way .
20 As Caroline told me : ‘ Once you have indicated that you like to buy from the comfort of your armchair , other companies assume you will want to know about the products they have to sell in the same way ’ .
21 Indeed , the West Indians originally thought that they had much in common with British people and expected to be able to identify with the British way of life ( PEP 1976 ) .
22 When the communicative support system with which they have grown up fails to function in the usual way , the effect , arguably , will be to make the children regress or behave in some other aberrant manner — for instance , to stop asking questions or to agree with whatever the adult suggests .
23 The market is said to function in the following way .
24 However , as many overseas assignments fail because the wife or family are unable to cope with the new way of life and culture ( around 50 per cent is often quoted ) , many organisations choose to invite the wives of short-listed candidates into the company to discuss the assignment and any problems that may be worrying them .
25 Later it made economic sense to plan for the vehicle to carry things which had been given free in England but which were too heavy for me to manage for the whole way .
26 After joining , the Liberals and even the Labour supporters seem to drift into the Conservative way of thinking .
27 The vitriolic anonymous letter he despatched to The Bell in the summer of 1858 had much less to do with the half-hearted way in which the government was handling the question of emancipation than with the way in which the regime proposed to run the empire after emancipation had been achieved .
28 Common to much of the literature has been a notion … that these kids — and many others like them — have been trying to ‘ recover magically ’ territory , both physical and cultural , that they have lost and to appropriate in the same way territory that has never been theirs .
29 Ok , Time found hidden in a hard day , dry earth becomes a dance floor , audience of three fowl , the fourth along with a reaper turns it back , wooden shoes meant for mud , rug on dancing feet Erm the next one is the still life on , on with three puppies , while I was looking at Gaugin 's work I could n't help but notice he 's constantly struck by the fact that he use set of three symbols through out his work it seems , and very , very often three caricatures erm or lines of three or three objects and I found this very interesting , more point of view that something that I , I wanted to incorporate in my own work , but I wanted to find a line or a phrase to use in the same way , erm , all of my work starts as one or a series of visual images and , and I then turn them into characters , repeating a word or repeating a line would be a way of erm emphasising characterise erm and the puppies that are in this painting erm , they delighted my children so much , I do n't know if any of you know , do you know the painting of the three puppies
30 Fathers may miss their teenagers but are not likely to grieve in the same way .
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