Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [being] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was going to apologize for being stupid on Sunday when you both disappeared .
2 " Goodness me , do n't start taking that as a compliment , she cares about everyone 's feelings , she 's an archetypal victim , she 's an absolute fool about other people 's feelings , and let me warn you , I may as well warn you , the more she dislikes somebody , the more somebody annoys her , the more careful she is not to hurt their feelings , in fact the only people she is ever rude to are people like me and Gabriel and Papa , I mean people she cares for enough not to worry about being fair to .
3 I used to talk about being gay to my straight , but enlightened , friends — mostly women ; it was a relief to me and they were perfectly happy to talk about it .
4 Arguably , too , the listener to recorded music is in a position to take a more active part in the music , by deciding how and when to listen by being able to ‘ edit ’ recordings to make up his or her own programmes on cassette tape .
5 I was going to apologise for being stupid on Sunday when you both disappeared .
6 I mean but anyway that 's nothing to do with being thick by the way .
7 One theory suggests that as the non-endothermic therapsids diminished the food base changed , and this in turn obliged the sub-orders like the cynodonts to switch from being passive to active homeotherms .
8 Another time I shall talk about taxes , which , as we said in our election broadcast a week ago , we plan to reduce by being careful with your money — another good idea that no-one else had thought of .
9 The Carlow men , ahead two goals and three points to five points within sight of half-time , had to settle for being level at the break after Mick McCarthy 's well struck goal .
10 Girls with anorexia or bulimia often feel to blame for their original ‘ weight problem ’ , then to blame for becoming too obsessed with it , and then further to blame for being unable to ‘ pull themselves together ’ .
11 thing through in this way and are ready to speak of being convinced of it is to see whether we can express it .
12 To admit to being innocent of guile somehow smacked of being undesirable , immature , but far better that than be thought an actress .
13 Only two per cent said that they were at all dissatisfied with the arrangement : to put this in perspective , about ten per cent of buyers ( credit or cash ) were prepared to admit to being dissatisfied in some way with the goods they had bought .
14 It 's not my day really earlier today I had to admit to being grateful to John Gummer now I 'm gon na have to be .
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