Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Lucy had to stand on tiptoe to use it , but when she did it gave her a partial view of the clientele at their tables .
2 An ugly modern extension obscures part of the Godfrey building at present and Moran says his architectural consultants have advised him to apply for permission to remove it and replace it with a gatehouse .
3 Once it spreads into other functions , it acquires what we usually call ‘ prestige ’ , in the sense that those who wish to advance in life consider it to be in their interests to use standard-like forms .
4 If your skin is dry and you have to slather on moisturiser to soften it , check your cleansing routine before you buy a heavier moisturiser .
5 First , that he allowed Framework Management Ltd to go into liquidation admitting it owed £21,000 to Higgins ( who claimed he was owed £51,000 ) ; and , second , that he had caused to be issued in 1988 ‘ a press release regarding a tournament to be held in Peking stating , and telling Mr Higgins in order to induce him to take part in the tournament , that the first prize was £35,000 when in fact it was not ’ .
6 It is this willingness to buy anything , and our increasing ability to go into debt to do it , which is helping to power the so-called North American recovery .
7 did he have the opportunity to go into hospital to have it done ?
8 ‘ We are anxious to proceed with performance review it is vitally important that services provided by the council are subject to close scrutiny to ensure they are of sufficient quality and right for the customer . ’
9 That 's got nothing to do with recycling has it ?
10 does n't even have anything anything to do with sex does it really ?
11 Love You and your partner face new challenges in your relationship — use them as a way of finding out just how deep your feelings are for each other , and how much you are prepared to sacrifice in order to make it work .
12 To return to your educational interests , what sort of changes would you like to see in education to make it more applicable , perhaps , to twentieth century women ?
13 If an object is annexed to land in order to enjoy it as a chattel ( eg a carpet nailed to the floor ) it will not become a fixture but will remain a chattel .
14 And just think of the calculations involved when a fielder runs to catch a cricket ball — he does n't necessarily realise he is doing it but he has to work out how high the ball is , how fast it is travelling , its precise direction and how quickly he has to run in order to catch it .
15 just to lie in bed Wishing it would stop
16 They were persons who had been brain-washed by years of experience of disengaging from colonies and saw Northern Ireland as another external colony from which Great Britain was destined to disengage in order to hand it back to the natives whom they assumed were the republican Irish of the island as a whole .
17 Hearing Ginsberg 's tumultuous reading of Howl spurred Lawrence Ferlinghetti to ask for permission to publish it under his City Lights imprint in San Francisco .
18 erm if , if , if you , if you , if you take this view of excesses you 're not unhappy for that to happen in order to move it forward as long as you maintain the control necessary to stop it when it 's gone too far , which is exactly what he does .
19 ‘ What happened was this : a dog ran out in front of me as I was leaving the car park , and I had to swerve in order to avoid it .
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