Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [be] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 He finds it difficult to cope after being at the top as a player through natural talent .
2 THE single market in Europe 's financial services is supposed to come into being at the end of 1992 .
3 It is likely , however , that at least 40% and possibly more of gas demand will by then be imported but as with oil the Netherlands will continue to benefit from being at the hub of European energy supply .
4 Resolved , That this House , believing it is in Britain 's interests to continue to be at the heart of the European Community and able to shape its future and that of Europe as a whole , endorses the constructive negotiating approach adopted by Her Majesty 's Government in the Inter-Governmental Conferences on Economic and Monetary Union and on Political Union ; and urges them to work for an agreement at the forthcoming European Council at Maastricht which avoids the development of a federal Europe , enables this country to exert the greatest influence on the economic evolution of the Community while preserving the right of Parliament to decide at a future date whether to adopt a single currency , on issues of Community competence concentrates the development of action on those issues which can not be handled more effectively at national level and , in particular , avoids intrusive Community measures in social areas which are matters for national decision , devlops a European security policy compatible with NATO and co-operation in foreign policy which safeguards this country 's national interests , increases the accountability of the Commission , enhances the rule of law in the Community including improved implementation , enforcement and compliance with Community legislation , improves co-operation between European governments in the fight against drugs , terrorism and cross-border crime , and through these policies secures the long-term interests of the United Kingdom .
5 I said , so how many of those would grade three , level three child have to get to be at a level three ?
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