Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [pron] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 No no I was n't allowed to wait for it cos it was gon na take peddled all the way back to do something else .
2 A bees ' nest has only a single entrance , so air can not be made to flow through it as it does through a prairie dog 's tunnel .
3 Educational technology is a theory and a set of hypotheses ; it is a habit of mind , and a readily applicable methodology ; it is far too early to claim for it that it has a large body of accepted practice .
4 He somehow managed to pound down to Kouklia on Chennaa , half by night and half by blazing day , and crossing the island was able to see for himself that it had been a more settled and prosperous year .
5 ‘ I 've been through it and I do n't want them to have to go through it because it can be stopped .
6 ‘ We will have to get other people to write for us because it 's going to be more than 100 pages . ’
7 I can not imagine how on earth he even came to know about them because it was long before radio was introduced .
8 If you try and arrange a meeting with a colleague or even a group of colleagues and he or they have already booked the time slot you want , you get to know about it before it 's too late .
9 But they 're fi , they 're going to find about it cos it 's everywhere .
10 She wanted so much to remain with him on the terms which had always existed between them , did not want the wealth and consequence of her real life to come between them before it needed to .
11 The main thing is they do n't inform you of what 's happening now until it 's happened and then they say , oh well , we did n't need to consultate with you cos it does n't affect your members .
12 They 'll be able to hide under it when it rains .
13 To her enormous relief she suddenly saw it running down the passage , she leant against the wall , how tiresome of that spider to come to her when it might have gone to anyone else .
14 He bent and twisted himself before it , jerking suddenly this way and that , as if he were lying in wait for disease , determined to pounce on it before it could strike .
15 Techniques vary but it is important to work at them until it becomes automatic so that , when the time comes , you do n't need to think about it too much .
16 I do n't want you to talk about her if it hurts .
17 At the same time she was so ravenous to talk to him that it was quite impossible to stop herself .
18 I used to play with it until it licked my hand and took the skin off .
19 If anyone is currently fighting a case such as this , I would also be pleased to hear from them as it does seem to me that the Revenue is using its muscle to try to remove one of the benefits of independent taxation .
20 I think in , in shorthand terms the best thing to do is to regard the UCCA form as a mirror , and to look at it when it 's completed and say , ‘ This is the picture of me . ’
21 Some people are very wary of machines : " I only have to look at it and it breaks down . "
22 Our aim is to prevent long-term unemployment , rather than just trying to cope with it after it has occurred .
23 it tries to cope with it when it ca n't .
24 The north drives … its pupils back into themselves too soon ; and while the spirit of the fiery Egyptian hurries out into the world , too intent on the journeys in the north the spirit prepares to retire into itself before it is ready to travel .
25 Because if you start messing your duvet up at night times it means that you do n't want to sleep underneath it cos it goes all scrunchy and horrible , and all the duvet bit comes out of the cover .
26 They should be helped to recognise that racism is a reality in society and that , although they can not protect the child from it , they can prepare him or her to deal with it when it is encountered .
27 Society is increasingly helpless to deal with it because it has ceased to be society .
28 you want a police to come as soon as possible , and you want to , to deal with it because it 's a priority to you .
29 We will discover whether there is a real commitment or whether it is simply words which they hope that the Scottish public will forget were ever uttered so that in the fullness of time they can shunt the companies off to the private sector to do with them as it will .
30 ‘ It 's nothing to do with me unless it concerns Riddle 's death . ’
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