Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [adj] as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 After the series in Australia , Mike Brearley announced that he would not be able to tour in 1980–1 as he wanted to continue his studies in psychoanalysis , and the England selectors decided to appoint a new captain for the start of the 1980 rubber .
2 Do you want me to comment on that as we go through or
3 Time seemed to halt for Yeremi as he saw d'Arquebus squeeze the trigger , and was sure that d'Arquebus was squandering that single shell , shooting his hellfire bolt off prematurely .
4 The number is easy to divide by 8 as it consists for the most part of successive multiples of 8 .
5 It takes the same amount of fuel to cook for 20 as it does to cook for 10 .
6 I shall have to think about that as I proceed , sha n't I ?
7 At that moment , as she faced to him , waiting for an answer , Guido swung the steering-wheel round to negotiate a corner , barely bothering to decelerate at all as he did so — so that Ronni suddenly found herself lurching towards the dashboard .
8 What are people in Britain to make of this as you come here to present yourselves as a a future er lottery operator ?
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