Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] in their own " in BNC.

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1 Sooner or later it may become impossible for an elderly person or couple to continue living in their own home without support .
2 It was significant that loneliness and low morale made clients particularly difficult to support : ‘ Low social integration and the prospect of residential care decreased morale , while low morale left clients without the heart to play active roles or to fight to stay in their own homes ’ ( Sinclair et al . ,
3 The still-married are the most likely to continue to live in their own private homes .
4 Others , preferring continuity of care , would prefer to extend their care capacity , in partnership with social work and health , allowing dementing patients to continue to live in their own homes .
5 Perhaps that we can be too clever for our own good ; those who spin and weave the complexities of human relationships are likely to get caught in their own tangles one day .
6 I think it 's very good policy , there 's many people policy , who are in our homes , who would give anything to have been able to have stayed in their own homes , or maybe stayed with relatives , but erm , they need the help and care in their homes .
7 We will encourage companies to make dealing in their own shares easier , especially for small shareholders , and encourage wider share ownership through , for example , the establishment of ‘ Share Shops ’ .
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