Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] in their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the next session the counsellor began by asking the couple what they would like to see happen in their marriage as a result of counselling .
2 The poet 's wife turned away her head and tried to grow absorbed in their child .
3 Which was good news for START ( Skin Treatment and Research Trust ) as we also asked you for a donation to help START in their research into replacement skin for series skin problems .
4 The Bill will also place a duty on councils to include re-cycling in their waste disposal plans .
5 No small part of the low earnings of many Negroes , Puerto Ricans , Mexican nationals , indigenous migrating farm workers , poor farm people and some of our older workers reflects the failure to have invested in their health and education .
6 ‘ Oh ! if those who rule the destinies of nations would but remember … how hard it is for the very poor to have engendered in their hearts that love of home from which all domestic virtues spring , when they live in dense and squalid masses where social decency is lost , or rather never found , ’ Dickens exclaims in The Old Curiosity Shop .
7 His territorial reordering of the 1470s had apparently been a great success , creating a nexus of trusted associates prepared to work in the crown 's interests , while those outside the charmed circle seemed , by the end of the decade , to have acquiesced in their exclusion .
8 His territorial reordering of the 1470s had apparently been a great success , creating a nexus of trusted associates prepared to work in the crown 's interests , while those outside the charmed circle seemed , by the end of the decade , to have acquiesced in their exclusion .
9 In their initiation into both the craft and culture of pedagogy , it is in the interests of novice teachers to conform in order to place their relations with pupils and fellow teachers on a secure base and so to get established in their role .
10 The School of Education is developing a ‘ sandwich ’ PhD enabling students to continue working in their home country while following a part-time PhD at Birmingham , and a ‘ collegiate term ’ system whereby teachers on in-service courses in their own countries spend a term at Birmingham as part of their degree .
11 The best size of gravel for goldfish is the 3mm size , which is too small to become trapped in their mouths .
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