Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] as [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Because of high media coverage we are quite likely to see tragedies as they occur including seeing people killed and the immediate stunned reactions of witnesses to ghastly events .
2 According to this interpretation , the associability of each stimulus element might be expected to decline as it becomes associated with others , just as a CS as a whole is thought to lose associability as it becomes linked with a US .
3 If you fail to lose weight as you feel you should , it is tempting to cut down on food even more to get better results .
4 There was a reporter and a photographer from the Financial Times waiting to interview Branson as he touched down .
5 If so , encourage them to paint pictures as they listen to music or try using art games .
6 ‘ I care that you 're trying to seduce Dana as you seduced me … nothing more , though I doubt your conceit will allow you to believe that . ’
7 ‘ No , I want to see Cobalt as we arranged .
8 The provision of these conditions will encourage the buildup of soil life , particularly burrowing earthworms , and it is this active soil population which serves as the ‘ repair gang ’ to build an increasingly stable structure and to repair damage as it occurs .
9 Erm on the use of existing employment sites , I 'd hate you to go away with the impression that er we were actively seeking to reallocate sites as they came forward , and that certainly is n't the case .
10 Now in order to look at this relationship between labour and capital and output total product simultaneously we need to draw a 3 D diagram , alright , but because my diagrams are bad enough in 2 D what we are going to do is we are going to constrain one of these factors , right , so what we will do is we will pick a level of ou a level of capital input , right , and we will see what happens to total product as we vary labour .
11 Roger North , the young Surrey allrounder , is the hero , with strong love interest , and a climax to tempt film-makers as he climbs up the gasholder at The Oval with the villain .
12 The alternative option , clearly the one it favoured , was ‘ to accept Israel as it existed on the condition that each refugee be allowed to return to his home , whether it was under Arab or Israeli jurisdiction . ’
13 Formative evaluation ( to use the current jargon ) , is so obviously more important than summative , since you need to modify things as they develop rather than wring your hands over them when they have failed .
14 Indeed , many of the new rules ought to increase efficiency as they sweep away examples of market failure or cartels that distort competition .
15 On hearing the news of the battle , Shah Jehan prepared to ambush Aurangzeb as he entered the Agra Fort — but his plan was betrayed by Aurangzeb 's sister and ally , Roshanara Begum .
16 The investment of surplus cash can be a complex process , as the funds must be available to meet commitments as they fall due .
17 The gang expected to net £5,000 as they ambushed a wages clerk on her drive back from the bank .
18 And basically what they need to do is create peasant economy to increase production as they learn from the land .
19 In order to gain as much as possible from a lecture or reading a book , it is important to ask questions in order to answer queries as they arise .
20 The Unfair Contract Terms Act applies , with one small difference , to hire contracts as it does to contracts of sale of goods , hire purchase , barter and exchange , etc .
21 Because chromatic notes have this power to create tension as they approach points of resolution , they are frequently used by improvisors to highlight the transition between two adjacent chords .
22 Perching birds use the feet to grip branches as we use our hands .
23 The new arrangement also allows Diana 's detested rival , Camilla — ‘ The Rottweiller ’ — to visit Highgrove as she pleases .
24 He called in the Army who arrived on Thursday afternoon and dealt with the object — a spent two inch ‘ smokey ’ designed to screen troops as they made their advance .
25 ‘ True , you had to bounce things as you went along .
26 Speed , consistency , and the ability to answer questions as they arise are the three great benefits of such a system One of the difficulties which personnel managers encounter whenever they get involved in computerisation is that there are apparently so many options available .
27 Like Romaine 's Edinburgh research , the Belfast projects worked within Labov 's general theoretical paradigm , attempting to tackle difficulties as they emerged .
28 The wounded were walking wounded mainly , with bandaged heads and arms in slings , a few of them trying to crack jokes as they trudged on board .
29 Quantitative limits were also thought to restrict competition as they hampered efficient banks who were in a position to create new deposits .
30 Generally speaking , it is easier to learn and use the keyboard equivalents of the mouse movements to activate menus as it saves having to remove your hands from the keyboard .
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