Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Because of high media coverage we are quite likely to see tragedies as they occur including seeing people killed and the immediate stunned reactions of witnesses to ghastly events .
2 Pressure on the pound lightened yesterday as financial markets decided to suspend judgement until they heard what the Chancellor had to say , a mood which was reflected among Conservative representatives .
3 None of Britain 's 140 nuclear power stations will get a licence to continue operations until they provide far more detailed information on what damage they are doing to the environment and what steps they are taking to prevent it , according to an announcement from HM Inspectorate of Pollution .
4 According to this interpretation , the associability of each stimulus element might be expected to decline as it becomes associated with others , just as a CS as a whole is thought to lose associability as it becomes linked with a US .
5 On the other hand , one could give Sharon the benefit of the doubt and conclude she has n't bothered to wear knickers because she knows Michael will probably mash her against a wall and rip them off anyway .
6 If you fail to lose weight as you feel you should , it is tempting to cut down on food even more to get better results .
7 Subjects tended to lose weight when they had breakfast only , but not when dinner was their only meal .
8 It continued to lose weight until it caught the attentioin of a neighbour who reported to the RSPCA that winter .
9 2R — recall : check your understanding of what you 've read Recall helps to sustain concentration when you read .
10 In a moment I will produce the recipe — and please , will readers do their best to suspend disbelief until they have tried it ? — but one of the main points about this recipe is that it taught me ( for after all , one does not buy lobsters all that often ) that anisette is , improbably but incontrovertibly , a quite magical ingredient in fish dishes and sauces .
11 Louisiana has a ‘ shoot the burglar ’ law , which allows householders to kill intruders if they think they are a threat to themselves or their families .
12 There was a reporter and a photographer from the Financial Times waiting to interview Branson as he touched down .
13 If so , encourage them to paint pictures as they listen to music or try using art games .
14 ‘ I care that you 're trying to seduce Dana as you seduced me … nothing more , though I doubt your conceit will allow you to believe that . ’
15 The sheriff had suggested that more detonators , designed to alert drivers if they passed red light , be installed .
16 A motor manufacturer will only be in a position to estimate revenue because they do not know how many cars they will sell .
17 ‘ No , I want to see Cobalt as we arranged .
18 A communiqué passed to the government on Nov. 22 by a group of prominent citizens known as " the notables " , believed to mediating between the government and the Medellín drug cartel , contained an offer from the cartel that between 200 and 300 of their members would surrender to stand trial if they received official assurances that they would not be extradited to another country .
19 The provision of these conditions will encourage the buildup of soil life , particularly burrowing earthworms , and it is this active soil population which serves as the ‘ repair gang ’ to build an increasingly stable structure and to repair damage as it occurs .
20 It may be that their main requisite at this stage is to find protection whilst they continue to live off their food reserves remaining from the food capsule .
21 The King was in no position to make such a decision and , in any case , Baldwin had already decided to meet Parliament when he met the King on 10 December , and so the King did not even have to persuade him to adopt what he believed to be the correct course .
22 The intrepid tourists , on holiday from Winchester , Hants , were about to pitch camp when they surprised the grizzly .
23 I learned how to catch birds when they migrated to our part of the country during the winter .
24 Andrew Large , chairman of the Securities and Investments Board , is expected to ask the Government for stronger powers to prosecute fraud when he completes his review in March 1993 of the regulatory body 's responsibilities .
25 But if you can offer talents that are in short supply , you may be better able to extract concessions than you suppose .
26 Lisa Julie Davies , 18 , of Lowmoor Road , and Susan Winifried Davies , of Kempton Court , both Darlington , admitted making false representations to obtain benefit when they appeared before the town 's magistrates .
27 We allowed our gaze to wander south until it lighted upon the bulk of Ancohuma 's eastern slopes , a face we knew nothing of on a mountain that had only just entered our lives .
28 Erm on the use of existing employment sites , I 'd hate you to go away with the impression that er we were actively seeking to reallocate sites as they came forward , and that certainly is n't the case .
29 Now in order to look at this relationship between labour and capital and output total product simultaneously we need to draw a 3 D diagram , alright , but because my diagrams are bad enough in 2 D what we are going to do is we are going to constrain one of these factors , right , so what we will do is we will pick a level of ou a level of capital input , right , and we will see what happens to total product as we vary labour .
30 Yet because a prince could now justify his coercive authority by reference to his peace-keeping function , those who failed to obtain what they saw as justice at his court , and who now stood to suffer punishment if they disturbed the peace to vindicate their rights , grew embittered .
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