Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] [coord] [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 Arran buses have printed timetables but , as in all islands , clocks are set to boat times and we had a long wait , an identikit American family and myself .
2 His enthusiasm was to visit Ireland and he had read whatever he could get hold of by Irish writers , but especially by Flann O'Brien .
3 right I 'll , last week I was in the surgery one day to help Sue and she had
4 The first personnel carriers rumbled out of the main gate , blocking the workday traffic , and he watched them now with envy because they were off to play soldiers and he had n't been invited .
5 We used to do needlework and we had to make a needlework apron in gingham , with lots of pockets for your buttons , and your thread , and your bottle of gin and all that … .
6 Access is restricted to permit holders and we had booked in advance .
7 In fact , Flaherty thought it was a better idea than invoking the Draoicht Suan until it was explained to him that unless Pumlumon did invoke it , they would all of them be roasting on spits in the Gruagach 's sculleries before the night was out , to which he said that giants had always been partial to roast Gnome and he had always thought it was a mistake to come to Tara in the first place .
8 Last Christmas we all went to sing carols and we had a party there .
9 It was the nature of dogs to eat cats and he had never been able to see the sense of trying to stop them .
10 The day you went to get Bunny and I had terrible hay fever .
11 Only when she had managed to stop crying and he had dried her face completely did he even attempt to answer .
12 A copy of the notice served on the group of insurance companies was sent to W. Plc. but it was given no opportunity to make representations and it had no right of appeal under Lautro 's 1988 Rules .
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