Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] there be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I was very lonely in Edinburgh , as none of my friends there was personally involved in the invasion .
2 Had the besweatered Pakistanis held their catches there is no knowing to what depths of despair England might have sunk that evening .
3 Erm , I was n't aware that Linda , erm , was a good cook , she 's been tell me she 's a good cook , I was n't aware of that , because in one her drawers there 's normally half a tea cake , a scone or whatever you like .
4 And his t his policies There 's only one me er mediator between God and man , the man Christ Jesus .
5 To his eyes there were now only her and her captor ; the other three had melted into the bushes .
6 Good d Good does in fact do what you said and his recommendation er for final salary schemes is er a third of the trustees should be or have the right to be er from the , the members and er er we 've in our er comments to you have er looked at a global point of view and said no not are these proposals worthy in themselves , but using a different criteria that if they had been law as Ken said earlier , would they have stopped Maxwell and a situation where a third of the trustees were er were they members er would have made no difference er cos typically in our cases there were originally about four trustees er and unfortunately for us , three of them were named Maxwell .
7 Moore prices undoubtedly suffered from over-heating and have fallen back but looking through our records there is still a consistency again the best works getting the best prices .
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