Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] take " in BNC.

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1 In Beaumont and Fletcher 's The Maid 's Tragedy , Melantius , approving his sister 's marriage to his best friend , tells her : ‘ Sister , I joy to see you , and your choice/You look 'd with my eyes when you took that man ’ ( i. ii .
2 Back then I think my girlfriends and I took it for granted that washing regularly was an exclusively feminine pursuit .
3 For weeks he was the trouble of my dreams and it took real courage to go to see him in Attila the Hun .
4 So I was mentally on my toes as I took a floater into the city and then left it , mingling with all the pedestrians thronging the walkways .
5 It would have been quite possible to put something into the pockets of my dressing gown and then put it back into my clothes when I took the dressing gown off .
6 The manufacturer could impose full-line forcing , obliging the retailer to take a whole range of its products if it takes one , or tie-in sales , no X sold without Y. It could impose exclusive purchasing ( no products of a certain description to be bought from anywhere but itself ) , and may offer selective and exclusive distribution agreements ( suppliers have to meet certain criteria in order to be selected to distribute a product , and may be offered an exclusive territory or even absolute territorial protection ) .
7 If the truth were known , he had only acceded to her wishes because it took him away from her , allowing him access to libraries , bookshops and students of all races and creeds — many of them Irish .
8 Penry returned quickly with a warm , dry towel , which he draped round her shoulders as he took her wrist in his .
9 Quite often all the things that parents want to say go out of their heads and it takes time and confidence in their listener to start to explore the greater areas of concern .
10 Melanie took her legs and I took the bows and we struggled up the steps , Carol 's bum hitting most of them , which I reckoned Melanie was doing deliberately .
11 There was a savage splendour to his aroused body , and Maria called his name faintly , from far away , it seemed , as blood drummed in her ears and he took her into his arms again , sinking to the bed with her .
12 A horrible weakness seemed to have invaded her limbs and it took a supreme effort to drag her attention back to the conversation .
13 Vortigern was so taken by her charms that he took her for his wife .
14 They awoke in each other 's arms as usual , but when Damian made love to her there was an edge to it , an urgency that frazzled her , made her pleasure sharply intense , pain mingling with her cries as he took her with him into the dark , hot void they shared .
15 He observed the tilt of her chin and the curve of her cheekbones as she took in her surroundings .
16 Leopards still die for their skins and it takes five to seven leopards to provide the material for one fur coat !
17 From some different world , she heard the bird 's song cease abruptly in mid-trill , and the startled flutter of its wings as it took flight , followed by the soft rustle of a breeze through the bushes .
18 Duck and Frog search for their friends and it takes quite some time to find them all .
19 I tended the wounds of one of their men and they took me back with them into the great Forest of Ettrick . ’
20 You terrified this young woman , you raped her , you threatened her life and those of her children and you took money .
21 Richard 's voice cut into her thoughts as he took her arm to draw her back from a horse-drawn carriage laden with tourists on a sightseeing trip .
22 We are listening hard to its recommendations and we take seriously the points that it makes to us .
23 Secrett has refused to comment on his plans until he takes up the post .
24 He nodded his thanks as he took it and flipped another cigarette butt into the toilet .
25 Lucy was unable to meet his eyes as she took the receiver from him .
26 I can see it in his eyes as he takes his seat beside me and says , deadpan : " Cue Bruce . "
27 STUART BARNES will have England and New Zealand firmly in his sights when he takes on world champions Australia at Twickenham today .
28 It had been over a year since Katherine had seen him and again she was struck by the magnetism of those coal dark eyes , the indolence of his gestures as he took her hand and playfully brought it to his lips .
29 My master went back to his friends and we took the boat out to sea .
30 Quirinus is lord there and he knows me , for it is with he and his Myrcans that I took up service over a year ago .
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