Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I snapped my fingers as if I 'd forgotten something .
2 I have an exhibition in London each spring and Punch makes wooden crates to pack my canvasses in and we put them tenderly on to the train in Bodmin .
3 Anyway , we 've finished all we can eat of this Cambozola , and the wine bottle is only good for sticking candles in , and we are still sitting on the carpet lit by one small lamp somewhere over in the corner , and she keeps filling in the pauses by staring into my eyes as if she 's checking I do n't wear false eyelashes , and I start to think it 's about time I got up off the floor .
4 I blew through my lips as if I was breathing fire .
5 I began to pat at my pockets as if I really meant it but the barman shook his head .
6 It is always the most convenient for my guests in that they do not have to drive in the dark , and they can have a much more leisurely lunch , without worrying about the time , as they would in the evening over dinner .
7 ‘ There was a scene where I wanted to keep my clothes on and I told Adrian ‘ They do n't have to see my breasts in every shot , do they ? ’
8 ‘ Of course I care , there 'd be nobody to sew my buttons on if you were dead . ’
9 She was a little woman , not much taller than Carrie , but she seemed strong as a railway porter , carrying their cases as if they weighed nothing .
10 Although the majority of scientists tend to be a little coy about metaphysical matters in their professional publications , they are often less so outside when writing elsewhere , being prone to describe the framework of presuppositions about perception within which they conduct their investigations as if it were a discovery in its own right and that ‘ discovery ’ an explanation of perception .
11 And he was n't alone amongst the instructors who felt this way : Jack Bisley , Sam Temple , and Amos Bernstein , they all admitted that they hated it ; but Angus McBride and Len looked forward to their trips as if they were half-day school holidays .
12 Agatha joined her hands together , raising her fingers to her lips as if she was a teacher teasing a rather clever pupil .
13 She cocked her head slightly to one side , staring at Corbett , a slight smile on her lips as if he was telling her some merry jest or interesting tale .
14 I read the other day a well praised first novel in which the narrator — who is both sexually inexperienced and an amateur of French literature — comically rehearses to himself the best way to kiss a girl without being rebuffed : ‘ With a slow , sensual , irresistible strength , draw her gradually towards you while gazing into her eyes as if you had just been given a copy of the first , suppressed edition of Madame Bovary . ’
15 She screwed up her eyes as if she was having difficulty seeing her child .
16 Her heart raced like a riptide ; her ears rang and lights fizzed at the back of her eyes as if she 'd just dived deep into the bosom of Ocean .
17 ‘ Some men bring their kids in and it 's like a trip down memory lane they look at the smoke bombs or whoopee cushions .
18 Most countries tax multinationals on an ‘ arm 's length ’ basis , calculating the profits that the firm earned within their borders as if it had done so through a stand-alone business , operating at arm 's length from the parent firm .
19 Functionalists imply that roles are provided by the social system and individuals enact their roles as if they were reading off a script which contains explicit directions for their behaviour .
20 The Thames was flowing full and furious , the water greedily lapping their feet as if it would like to catch them and drag them under its swollen black surface .
21 Davide threw himself on it to stop her pulling it off altogether with the bowl of fruit and the jug of water and glasses with it ; so they grappled , and in the contact something gave way , melted within them both and they clung together , aching in their heads and their bones as if they 'd been caught out on the mountains in the winter and been chilled to the marrow .
22 The Reverend Foster 's beady eyes fixed on the children fumbling for their donations as if they were a parcel of juicy worms to be swooped on if they tried to wriggle away .
23 On the way to the toilet , flashy black guys , who keep their hands permanently on their balls as if they might drop off onto the floor , stand directly in my way to get noticed .
24 The landlords of this period often had a bond of sympathy with their tenants in that they too had to struggle for a living , and that their living conditions , especially in the tenth and early eleventh centuries , were not widely different .
25 Relating , you form a , a bond basically between you and the customer , that 's why you sell well , cos you gel well with your customers , there 's empathy there , you 've got to come across as caring and sharing , but you 've got ta ask questions and you listen to the answers , right , you 've got to basically treat their problems as if they were your own , do you know what I 'm saying to you ?
26 The khthons were in control and waved their guns as if they had captured the travellers .
27 She strained away , but saw that her breasts were thrust out further , and now she had a new sensation to worry about — the liquid feeling in her loins as if he 'd built a small fire there .
28 Nonetheless , her gift is to write about her characters as if they are known to her : her stories unfold through their eyes , with no apparent authorial manipulation .
29 And Maisie would stand like some artist 's model , exhibiting her diseases as if they were her only claim on him .
30 She stopped waving her arms about and he quite suddenly put his arms around her and pressed his face against hers .
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