Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [verb] her [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In December 1812 one of her creditors had her arrested for debt , as he was entitled to under the still operating Lords ' Act of 1759 .
2 She attempted to sit up , but his hands on her shoulders kept her pinned down .
3 But at last she made an effort to pull herself together , and , dragging herself from the bed , she went to the wash-basin , where splashes of cold water to her eyes made her feel more normal .
4 She worked crouching down , and the infinitesimal pace of her labours made her feel like an ant , toiling away earnestly at a microscopic task .
5 His arms went round her and eased her against his chest , and the brush of his body hair against her nipples made her cry out .
6 As she moves , the ears on her legs keep her oriented in the direction of the call .
7 After St Felix School , Southwold , Eva persuaded her parents to allow her to go up to Newnham College , Cambridge , in October 1905 .
8 One morning her parents found her sitting outside her bedroom door .
9 Her pa her parents letting her have a tattoo and !
10 For a time her emotions stopped her thinking clearly until she forced herself to concentrate on the problem logically .
11 Merely viewing its contents made her feel better .
12 Glimpses of her stories made her smile .
13 Clothes were irrelevant … only flesh mattered to her where Damian was concerned , because she did not just want the hard , ambitious chairman of the board , but the man of flesh and blood whom she loved more powerfully than she could put into words , and only the silent communication of their bodies allowed her to express that love …
14 She started cutting the hair of children at her local toddler group and eventually their mothers asked her to do their hair , too .
15 Her friends saw her catch the bus and say she was behaving normally , ’ said a spokesman .
16 The sheer beauty of their surroundings helped her to distance herself from the unsettling vibrations between them .
17 In the moments when she had drifted nearer to consciousness she 'd thought she saw Corrie sitting on the bed , but when she had tried to lift her arms to gather her close the vision faded away .
18 She took the opportunity despite the fact that many of her colleagues let her know that they judged her disloyal .
19 At the same time , her oars sent her spinning into a turn , so that her iron beak pointed outward , ready to gore the towering sides of the Genoese .
20 His fingers urged her to continue .
21 His words left her reeling , but somehow she fought back shakily .
22 His words made her feel an odd glow of warmth deep inside her , and her tears dried up .
23 Something about the angle of his shoulders made her want to reach out to him .
24 He felt the glass being tweaked from his fingers and opened his eyes to see her disappearing into the kitchen .
25 The knowing look in his eyes let her know she had n't fooled him for an instant , but he gave a single nod .
26 What she saw in his eyes made her catch her breath .
27 The impact of his eyes caused her to blink almost defensively .
28 His eyes challenged her to answer honestly .
29 His eyes warned her to shut up , not to probe further .
30 His eyes held her ensnared .
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