Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [Wh det] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 He had seen nothing in her lifestyle and her actions which led him to believe that she was then or wished again to become a Jehovah 's Witness .
2 Let him thus lose his eyes which gave him sight of the maiden 's beauty for which he coveted her .
3 It was the interest of his parents which sustained him in his early school career .
4 He was talking to a small wizened man with long hair and a curved bone through his cheeks which made him appear tusked .
5 It was the excellence of his teachers which gave him his interest in Physics , English and German .
6 To wit : Syrett , beautiful but doomed , cut his hand on a wine glass at a party and , after ignoring his doctor 's advice to avoid climbing , did irreparable damage to his tendons which started him on a tightening spiral of alcoholism and eventual suicide .
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