Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [vb past] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 But I was a little person in er a commu community of little person and er my brothers worked down the pit and I believe it was an advantage not to be much greater than five foot in height down the pits .
2 My breath rasped in my throat , and a slight light-headedness I had started to feel owing to hyperoxygenating earlier waned as my muscles took up the slack of the extra power in my blood .
3 Seen from a distance at night , the dimly lit vehicles resembled ‘ the folds of some gigantic and luminous serpent which never stopped and never ended ’ On either side of the road their headlamps lit up the bowed backs of the endless columns of marching men .
4 She crossed the room and with a resolute shrug of her shoulders picked up the receiver .
5 The story goes its designers drew up the plans in millimetres and the maker mistook the measurements for inches .
6 In 1889 the NAS&FU 's instruction to its members not to sign on with any company until all Liverpool shipowners had acceded to its demands stiffened up the resolution of the thirteen principal lines affected .
7 Her eyes ran down the black jacket to where the man 's watch was half hidden by a white cuff .
8 Madeleine started adding up again , nodding her head as her eyes strayed down the page , moving her lips .
9 Their lights picked out the graffiti of long-dead people — prayers , curses , obscenities , threats — and what might have been messages in alien script or in the calligraphy of madness .
10 In a statement to a local radio station the INLA said its members carried out the attack .
11 In spite of complaints by leaders of trade unions many of their members bought up the shares .
12 She believes her children made up the allegations that sexual abuse was going on in other families because of the constant questioning .
13 My father was one of them , and when ‘ Buddy Can You Spare a Dime ? ’ topped what was then the hit parade , its lyrics summed up the poverty , dependence and despair of the millions of poor throughout the world .
14 The philosopher Francis Bacon and many of his contemporaries summed up the scientific attitude of the times when they insisted that if we want to understand nature we must consult nature and not the writings of Aristotle .
15 Specifically , several of his pictures hung on the walls , and one stood on an easel in the centre of the living-room .
16 His words hung on the chill , stale air .
17 His eyes ran down the list , looking for a suitable saint 's name .
18 His eyes moved down the body , knowing that others had looked before him .
19 Then his ears picked up the soft pattering of multiple animal feet , and the sound of undergrowth being brushed lightly aside by swiftly moving bodies .
20 As his footsteps receded down the passage , Polly 's hand rose slowly to her mouth .
21 Presently his feet took up the restless pacing that had become the rhythm of his curious existence behind the locked attic door .
22 His braces hung down the outside of either leg .
23 His wares made up the largest individual parcel in a massive consignment of plate exported to the Tsarina Anna in 1726 , much of which again had paid no duty .
24 His lips hovered around the heavy swell of her breast , his palms sought out the rounded curve of her hips and angled her into his hard male thighs .
25 His players carried out the plan to the letter and wrapped up the three points as a perfect birthday gift .
26 One of his men looked out the window .
27 Below Georgiades his men leapt up the last few pegs .
28 By this time his fantasies took on the air of medieval barons ' wars .
29 In a book significantly entitled American Multinationals and American Interests , Bergson and his colleagues worked out the percentage of key minerals and metals supplied by imports in 1976 ( Bergson et al. , 1978 , Table 5.1 ) .
30 His followers sold out the Hammersmith Odeon before any major label knew who he was , and more recently , when he appeared on the black talent show The 291 Club simply to present an award , he received the kind of reception you 'd expect for the ghost of Marvin Gaye .
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