Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun pl] [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This debate is taking place in the early hours of the morning , but the presence of so many of my hon. Friends underlines the importance which the Opposition attach to it , which contrasts starkly with the importance that the Government attach to it .
2 My hon. Friends makes a valid point .
3 I feel that the effect of my white washes gives an airy , atmospheric quality .
4 One of the most difficult questions which teachers ask themselves throughout their professional lives concerns the nature of the differences between pupils .
5 Ascending its professional hierarchies takes a long time .
6 As such , sexuality in its normative forms constitutes a ‘ truth ’ connecting inextricably with other truths and norms not explicitly sexual .
7 The fact they confused travellers with people taking their yearly holidays says a lot .
8 Secondly they require a listed company to obtain the consent of its shareholders if any of its major subsidiaries makes an issue for cash of securities having an equity element which would materially dilute the percentage equity interest of the company and its shareholders in that subsidiary .
9 The eventual acceptance of Lévi-Strauss and Barthes by their respective disciplines indicates the value orientations that made their interpretation possible .
10 On this basis it could be argued that companies should indeed be regarded as purely private organisations , and that state intervention in their internal affairs constitutes an improper interference with the moral rights of the participants .
11 Using the movements of visible things to track down their invisible causes has a healthy set of precedents .
12 Its object-oriented underpinnings imposes a formidable development burden that means it will be several months , if not years , before they can deliver applications that exploit its improved data-sharing capabilities .
13 The fact that his figures often have a wooden tightness and that one of his major pictures represents a homosexual 's death may reflect the stasis and lack of vitality he felt within the contemporary art scene and within himself .
14 A short summary of what you regard as your strong points makes an excellent final paragraph to distinguish you from other candidates .
15 They may well claim that such commitments would result in bankruptcy , but if that were the case ( and it seems unlikely ) , the case for a lesbian and gay politics that addresses problems in our social structures remains a strong one .
16 From a fashion point of view this is a pity : a glance at any of our native sports reveals a certain lack of sartorial élan .
17 The dilapidation of our transport system and the shoddy state of our national services underlines the argument for more public investment .
18 The day to day process of making capital investment decisions in our major corporations allocates the resources of society thereby having a long term impact upon the organizations involved and ultimately upon us all .
19 The success of our manufactured exports gives the lie to the Opposition 's portrayal of manufacturing .
20 Harnessing our financial resources remains a major priority for us and despite another major capital expenditure programme , we expect to achieve a more balanced position from trading in the current year .
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