Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] might have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For all either of us knows my business might have boomed .
2 If I had to Oxford my finger might have come off bythe time I got there
3 Lord Aldington , 75 , said : ‘ I think I dictated ‘ silence ’ and my secretary might have typed ‘ subterfuge ’ . '
4 I did not venture to express my opinion , fearing that my taste might have become corrupted by my long residence in the Indies ; but since my companion had recently come from France , it was quite a relief to hear him say that he had seen nothing in Europe quite so bold and majestic . ’
5 My visit might have ended there if my car had not run short of petrol on the road south of Nahariya .
6 My mother might have taught me .
7 Tess also felt guilty that her presence might have influenced the farmer .
8 She 'd been wanting to go home all day , dragging on her teacher 's hand on the way in , looking over her shoulder just in case her mum might have popped her head round the gate for a last wave .
9 For one thing Miss Martineau writes well ( although her editor might have dampened an American passion for ‘ inside of ’ and ‘ outside of ’ , and corrected her mistaken belief that Boeing made McDonnell Douglas 's DC-10 airliner ) .
10 But now it looked as if her job might have taken a different turn .
11 Not playing her piano might have meant not going to Rickmansworth but he still went .
12 But right now she was more concerned about the effect her behaviour might have had on his offer to her mother .
13 As she flew up to her room , she thought her father might have killed her for that speech .
14 After this she returned to the house hoping against hope that in the interval her daughter might have returned , but there was no sign of her .
15 Edward realized that there would be no fourth time , whatever her message might have said .
16 Her self-confidence might have taken a battering , but that was no reason to forfeit the personal standards her parents had instilled into her since childhood .
17 Their fitness might have protected them , but the stress of competitive sport could have been damaging .
18 Two blocks away from the house of her childhood it suddenly occurred to her that her mother might have left , that there might be strangers in the hallway , a different set of curtains hanging at the windows ; her father 's study might have been turned into a playroom for a new generation of North Oxford children , so different from herself in her prim Clark 's T-bar sandals that she would not be able to recognise her own infancy in theirs .
19 A bit of romanticism his mistress might have abhorred , Ruth suspected , as she had hardly enamoured herself with the locals , nor they with her .
20 May the author once again intrude upon whatever mood his narrative might have established long enough to report on current events ? ’
21 With 20 minutes gone , his debut might have entered the dream category but for a fingertip save from Andy Goram .
22 That if that 's an old fashioned design , I mean we designed that as being something that his granny might have had .
23 It is tempting to speculate that were it not for the onset of the protracted illness in February 1858 Which led to his death in September 1859 , his influence might have produced a very different outcome to the competition .
24 On Dr Neil this had an effect even more erotic than any more intimate caressing of his body might have produced .
25 An alternative explanation for Abu Nidal involvement was the suggestion that his group might have carried out the killings on behalf of the Iraqi regime ; this version depended on the suggestion that Abu Iyad , while publicly backing the PLO 's pro-Iraqi line , was expressing reservations about it to Arafat in private .
26 However , his wife might have done so , if — ’
27 Ten more years of his pontificate might have set both the church and the statesmanship of western Europe in a different direction .
28 The idea that his father might have visited prostitutes came to him years ago , during a spate of murders of prostitutes .
29 Another time his father might have laughed or mildly remonstrated about the cruelty of the imitation .
30 It is almost as if Thomas was trying to create , in fiction , an alternative pattern his life might have followed .
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