Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] to [art] government " in BNC.

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1 My plea to the Government , therefore , is that they concentrate on what they can do , and that is to improve the long-term prospects for the economy .
2 My advice to the Government is that they can not sort out the problem this side of a general election , so why not get on with the job of laying the long-term foundations for a successful economy ?
3 The small Democratic Socialist Party ( DSP ) — whose ideological position was to the right of the LDP — also pledged its support to the government .
4 British environmental groups are divided in their response to the government 's pit closure plans .
5 The NUCPS , which together with the Civil and Public Servants Association , represents the 180 staff at Chester , has sent its response to the Government .
6 A PREFERENCE for a relatively small number of large councils has been expressed by the conservation agency Scottish Natural Heritage in its response to the Government 's consultation exercise on the future of local government north of the Border .
7 Had the Borough Council objected to the application for 60 housing units , then Pubmaster might have appealed against their decision to a Government inspector who might have overruled the Council .
8 The core of the Octobrist party , which had suffered major defections to the Right , and a new Progressive party , led by a group of Moscow industrialists , moved close to the Kadets , who in turn intensified their opposition to the government .
9 The only time it makes sense to talk of a distinctive Country party in Parliament , in the sense of a genuine coalition of dissident Whigs and Tories who were united in their opposition to the government , is for the years 1691 – 5 .
10 THE Labour Party National Executive yesterday endorsed a campaigning strategy for the next year in which the party will seek to popularise its policy review while focusing its opposition to the Government on health , the economy , the poll tax , teacher shortages , and transport .
11 THE Labour Party National Executive yesterday endorsed a campaigning strategy for the next year in which the party will seek to popularise its policy review while focusing its opposition to the Government on health , the economy , the poll tax , teacher shortages , and transport .
12 The Party had modified its opposition to the Government 's rearmament programme and the Left felt that this had inhibited the campaign against Chamberlain .
13 The Committee has convened a special meeting to prepare a considered response to the Royal College 's proposal and to begin work on its submission to the Government review of legal powers .
14 Both conservatives and Communists have simply toughened their attitude to the government .
15 The acid test of whether there is a continuing role for the nation state remains whether the citizens of Britain , for instance , would wish or feel able to transfer their allegiance to a government in Brussels .
16 My immediate anxiety was that the authorities might forbid my journey , since the Asaimara of Bahdu had recently renounced their allegiance to the Government and refused to send tribute to Asba Tafari .
17 Lastly , its own functions as a bank combined with its size and its relationship to the government provide a third channel through which to influence financial markets .
18 Working out the details took time , but the United East India Company came into existence in 1709 , and combined the assets of the two existing companies , at the price of enlarging their loan to the government to £3.2m. and reducing the interest charged to 5 per cent .
19 The report is fascinating because the Magharba ( if it was them ) probably directed their demand to the government .
20 Their message to the government was blunt and straightforward .
21 Leaders of major political parties and organizations met in New Delhi on Nov. 23 under the auspices of the National Integration Council [ see p. 38866 ] and gave their backing to the government 's attempts to implement court orders barring construction at the disputed Babri mosque site in Ayodhya , Uttar Pradesh , where Hindu militants planned to build a Hindu temple [ see pp. 38532 ; 38682 ; 39008 ] .
22 Though not in permanent opposition , their loyalty to the government of the day is shallow .
23 In the latter half of the year , rumours of a coup grew so persistent that on Oct. 15 , the country 's senior military officers issued a communiqué affirming their loyalty to the government and to the " democratic system " .
24 Most of this made its way to the government , so that by February 1797 it had been run down to less than a sixth of this level .
25 It was not until the crisis of late August 1939 , when the Nazi-Soviet pact was announced , clearly foreshadowing the impending attack on Poland , that the Labour Party and the movement at large shook off its hostility to the government at least to the extent of supporting , and in the crisis of early September demanding , an early declaration of war .
26 This provoked the resignation of the Foreign Minister , Shailendra Kumar Upadhyaya , who indicated his opposition to the government 's handling of the crisis .
27 I know , but the hon. Gentleman must relate his question to the Government 's responsibilities .
28 On the following day he apologized for his actions and pledged his allegiance to the government .
29 Hardly less important was his willingness to lend his credit to the government by standing security for its borrowings .
30 In BR , for example , the new chairman appointed by the transport minister in 1983 was considered to be more sympathetic than his predecessor to the government 's objective of reducing financial support for the railways .
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