Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] do [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And er , yes , but my mum do n't like eggs in it where you do n't cook it so I , so I left them out .
2 I must say yo yo you never , unless you 've got a good second man er especially foaling time yo my son-in-law do n't leave the place .
3 My car do n't carry documents either . ’
4 and then , the ceiling turns into a sky , and then a , this sort of head and shoulders of a woman er , compassionate woman , an arm reaches through , and a , and a face comes , and er , she says , erm er , and it says , my child do n't give in to temptation .
5 My gran do n't buy me at Christmas .
6 You 've got my name do n't think we go away that you ca n't ring me up again .
7 but , then the next morning of course when Wendy got home she 'd been down my nephew 's looking after the kids for them and erm , and said we 've come to arrest you , and no , oh Rachael said oh mum there 's a police car pulled up outside , so she said , oh my god do n't tell me they 're wrong and it is Tracey , cos Tracey 's left home , she 's gone to live with her friend and erm , anyway , when Wendy got to the stairs she could n't go in , she could n't go any further and she said erm , when , when the policeman said Mrs I 've come to arrest you , she just about said Christ she said what have I done ?
8 A lot of people of my age do n't want to settle down at this stage . ’
9 ‘ It is lonely at the top sometimes , most kids my age do n't have a care in the world .
10 ‘ I suppose because I 'm a servant , I suppose because I 'm not married , me and my baby do n't count for anything ?
11 ‘ People in my patch do n't like being unpopular , ’ a worker from Manchester said .
12 I , yeah , I drove up , up there and back , like , my leg do n't ache , they ached a bit at a time , but that , you know that bone you get , each side of your keep your thumb there , you 've got that bone , underneath there 's a bone there , you might , or the bottom bone that you 'll sit on , you know when you sit still you get that bone .
13 Cos I 've got a life to lead and my life do n't start till about ten .
14 Sit down my love do n't take any notice .
15 Greetings that begin with money being thrust into my hand do not amuse me . ’
16 All through my wild days my mad existence I kept my promise do n't keep your distance bom bom bom .
17 I kept my promise do n't keep your distance .
18 Most of the women in my time do n't screw around indiscriminately , with dozens of different partners . ’
19 even though my face do n't show it
20 Moreover , the stochastic events in the model have no effect on the terminal position in either case ; the presence of noise or its magnitude do not alter the long run outcomes .
21 But children of their age do not search deeply for reasons .
22 The ambitious exhibition ‘ Genoa in the baroque age ’ and its catalogue do not tally
23 The library and its catalogue do not warrant high priority rating simply because they are not central to the day-to-day survival of the non user " .
24 Although it works nicely with such as Norton Tools Disk Edit , it contains its own defragmentation utility , as Norton 's Calibrate and its ilk do n't like to run with device driven hard disks .
25 These 10 places will in the main come from the middle 549 clubs who by their status do not qualify for the Cup .
26 Our lot have n't got time to dig them , and their lot do n't need to . ’
27 Although a standardized set of rules has been formulated by WUKO , karate associations in countries outside their jurisdiction do not have to abide by them .
28 As long as her dad do n't start singing .
29 ‘ Rachel and her family do n't believe in it , ’ Maria snapped .
30 You do n't know when Nick 's well her mother do n't come christmas !
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