Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] give [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My husband gave it to me just after we married , ’ she said .
2 This was all in addition to the usual lessons my father gave me on mathematics and history and so on .
3 ‘ I should have recognised that you were a stronger character than that , and accepted your delight in the presents my father gave you for what it was — sheer , innocent pleasure . ’
4 ‘ I 'm sure that was a better lunch than my father gave you in Rouen . ’
5 ‘ Though your mother wore the ring every day after my father gave it to her , Maria noticed that her hand was bare when she left . ’
6 My father gave it to me for my seventeenth birthday .
7 My mother gave them to me when I left university . ’
8 Lisa , her Mum gives her about every Saturday she gives her a tenner , but if she 's going out she gets a lot of money right .
9 She was part of a team and content to be just that ; she did n't want to have to leave the protective colouring her job gave her in the safety of the laboratory .
10 She was abandoned by her mother when she was a year old , and her father gave her for adoption . ’
11 ‘ Perhaps that 's because it was a private home until its owner gave it to the National Trust .
12 Her mother gave it to her when she went over there
13 He tells everybody his sister gave it to him for Christmas and he does n't really want one , but what with the job and all his meetings it comes in handy .
14 Well er firstly , he can , even if it 's his money give it to his wife as his partner , and she could then invest the money , and because she 's not paying any tax , er she could get a ten percent return , so she could actually get a thousand pounds on that ten thousand and that would be payable gross .
15 There were messages awaiting Rory Collins when he got home , and his mother gave them to him with little interest .
16 Having asked for very specific things and following the instructions your mentor gives you by speaking with your own voice , you will see the results .
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